Home Degrees Online Teaching Certification Iowa

Iowa Teaching Certificate Programs

Below you’ll find a comprehensive listing of the Graduate Teaching Certificate programs available from schools in Iowa. If you’re looking for initial teacher certification programs, check out either our list of Bachelors in Education Programs or Iowa Alternative Certification Programs. Most of the programs down below are for people who are already teachers.

According to the Iowa Department of Education, “Iowa’s education system is in need of a major remodel.” The report found that the achievement gap between students who have disabilities and those who don’t was the worst in the United States. To solve the problem, one of the areas that the department has decided to focus on is teacher effectiveness – Iowa teachers need to know how to work with students who are drastically underachieving and how to help students with disabilities. An advanced graduate certificate program can help Iowa teachers take place in the “major remodel.” With an advanced graduate certificate in an area like reading, special education or differentiated instruction, teachers can learn innovative teaching techniques that will help them work with struggling students. There were 2,410 special education teachers in Iowa in May 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Featured Schools in Iowa

At Iowa State University, you can earn a graduate certificate in either Special Education or Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). These certificates can help you gain a professional advantage in a state where students who struggle with reading and those with special needs are among the most underserved. At Saint Joseph’s University, an online school, you can also earn an add-on certificate in Special Education that will not only help you work with special education students in your own classroom, but will also increase your career prospects by allowing you to become a special education teacher. Finally, you can earn a certificate in Autism at Endicott College, another online school. This certificate will help you reach special education students who have this increasingly common social disorder.

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