Home Degrees Online Teaching Certification Wisconsin

Wisconsin Teaching Certificate Programs

Below you’ll find a comprehensive listing of the Graduate Teaching Certificate programs available from schools in Wisconsin. If you’re looking for initial teacher certification programs, check out either our list of Bachelors in Education Programs or Wisconsin Alternative Certification Programs. Most of the programs down below are for people who are already teachers.

As of the 2010-2011 school year, most Wisconsin teachers were licensed to teach in their particular subject area; however, The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction notes that some teachers had either an emergency license or no license in their subject areas. Two subjects with the most teachers lacking a full license include foreign language and special education instruction. During the 2011-2012 school year, around 36 foreign language and 300 special education teachers were not fully licensed. If you are a Wisconsin teacher who is not fully licensed in your area, you may simply need to complete an add-on certificate program that will add the subject you are currently teaching to your license. If you are fully licensed in one area, an add-on certificate in another can lead to greater job opportunities when there is a shortage of teachers in your district.

Schools Offering Teaching Certificates

At the University of Wisconsin – Madison, teachers can earn a number of add-on certificates while simultaneously studying in one of the university’s graduate programs. These certificates include programs in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), library and information studies and educational leadership and policy analysis. At Alverno College in Milwaukee, teachers can earn add-on certificates that will prepare them to teach other grade levels and become administrators, making them even more valuable in their districts. Teachers can enroll in add-on certificate programs in Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Adolescence and Reading, among other programs. Finally, Carroll University in Waukesha offers add-on certificate programs in Health Education, Reading and Adaptive Education, which prepare teachers to work with many different types of students.

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