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Secondary Education Degrees in Utah

Secondary education is a significant part of achievement and success in Utah. At the middle and high school levels, students figure out who they are, what they want out of life, and how to shape their future. Learn more about secondary education programs in Utah now!

Utah has been attempting to make its education system more student-centered. As a result, teachers in the state are focusing on a range of goals and outcomes. This may serve you well if you want to teach an in-demand field.

In a trend that is affecting schools all over the country, Utah has decided to require the completion of a civics test before students are allowed to graduate. This may change your teaching goals and standards.

Though Utah’s school funding suffered during the recession, it has been increasing steadily in the years since. This may benefit both your salary and the money you have available for educational supplies.

Ready to change Utah with a career in education? Keep reading to find out what you may learn in secondary education programs in Utah.

Overview of Secondary Education Programs in Utah

To become a middle or high school teacher, you can follow a number of licensure paths. For many students, the most straightforward path involves getting a Bachelor’s degree in education and focusing on an area of academic study. For others, this may mean getting a Master’s degree in education or following an alternative certification path.

Your curriculum should leave you well-prepared to teach adolescent students in your chosen field. Some of the courses you may take to reach this goal include Motivation and Classroom Management, Educational and Multicultural Foundations, Assessment and Curriculum Design, Education of Exceptional Children, and Literacy & Learning. In the final semester of your education, you won’t take any traditional classes. Rather, you spend the semester in a secondary classroom and put your newfound knowledge to work with real students.

As a teaching student, you may qualify for a wide range of teaching scholarships in Utah. Through the state government, you can apply for the Public Education Job Enhancement Program and the T.H. Bell Teaching Incentive Loan. The Community Foundation of Utah is another excellent resource for Utah teaching scholarships.

Working in Secondary Education in Utah

You must obtain your teaching license from the Utah State Board of Education before you can begin working independently in a classroom. They check your education to ensure that it fits Utah’s three pillars of education: relevant curriculum with high standards, high-quality instruction, and formative assessment.
Utah offers a strong job outlook to secondary school teachers. By 2022, O*Net anticipates a 22% increase in secondary teaching jobs.

Salaries in this field vary quite a bit between school districts. However, O*Net reports an average salary of $53,000 per year for Utah secondary teachers.

If you’re interested in this field, it’s time to learn more. Get started by contacting secondary education programs in Utah.

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