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Secondary Education Degrees in Missouri

You may be looking for a career that allows you to use your education, or maybe you want a career that permits you to leave a legacy and change the future of Missouri forever. Whatever has brought you to the field of secondary education, you have the chance to make a real difference in the lives of students. Contact the schools you see listed on our site to learn more about your options for study.

The education budget of Missouri allows for growth in teacher salaries, educational supplies, and other tools that make it easier for educators to meet their job goals. The Missouri House recently passed a budget that included room for teacher raises and boosts in education spending.

As a middle or high school teacher, you can help your students see the potential of their future and plan for the future they want to have. Missouri legislators have started realizing the value of teaching students about higher education, leading to the creation of camps that introduce middle schoolers to the world of higher education.

Your advanced training may put you in a position to affect educational legislation. A recent measure altered the civics test requirement for graduating seniors. Keeping up with these standards can help you alter your teaching techniques.

Overview of Secondary Education Programs in Missouri

To find the right secondary education program for your needs, you should look at the education you already have. If you do not have any post-high school degrees, you may want to complete a Bachelor’s degree in secondary education. If you’ve earned a Bachelor’s degree in a field like history, music, or psychology, consider a Master’s degree program that explores the theory of high school education. Alternative certification programs may help you earn your teaching license in a fairly short time frame.

To begin your teacher training, you may take important core classes like Inquiry Into Learning, Inquiring Into Schools, Teaching Middle and Secondary School, and Community Learning. Other courses that may round out your education may focus on your subject area and the teaching techniques that are specific to that subject. At the end of your degree program, you finish one semester of student teaching. This is different from your other classroom experiences, since it keeps you with the same group of student for the entire semester.

Looking into financial aid can help you save a considerable amount of money on your educational costs. The Missouri Department of Higher Education provides opportunities like the Teacher Tuition Assistance Program and Public Service Loan Forgiveness.

Working in Secondary Education in Missouri

The Missouri State Board of Education is responsible for the licensure of teaching professionals in Missouri. They require you to pass the PRAXIS-II in addition to a test that relates to your subject area. Once you’ve cleared the state’s background check, you can begin working as a teacher.

O*Net has a positive outlook on the teaching field. Through 2022, O*Net expects a 4% increase in teaching jobs. Each year, this works out to over 600 new jobs (O*Net, 2012). Across the state, the average salary for a secondary education professional is $44,000 per year (O*Net, 2013).

Invest in yourself and in Missouri’s future with a secondary education degree. Contact schools for program details to learn more today.

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