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Secondary Education Degrees in Mississippi

If you are ready to explore your career options in the field of teaching, you may be considering a rewarding career in secondary school teaching. Adolescents need a lot of guidance as they navigate their teenage years, and teachers who are invested in their success can provide a lot of support. Find out what it takes to become a secondary education teacher in Mississippi by contacting the schools you see below.

Currently, Mississippi’s education is going through a period of great change. This leaves the door open for skilled educators to make a difference and improve outcomes throughout the state, particularly for new graduates, as they are well-versed in the latest industry research.

As a Mississippi educator, you may also benefit from a lot of parent support. Parent-led group Fed Up with 50th aims to improve public education standards by increasing funding. This could help you reach the goals laid out for you by legislators.

Though Mississippi’s education system has historically fluctuated a lot from year to year, that just means that there’s room for dedicated educators to come into the field and make a difference. Find out more about secondary education degrees in your area to learn how you can impact education in Mississippi by contacting the schools listed on our site.

Overview of Secondary Education Programs in Mississippi

Curricula for secondary education programs are designed to challenge you, help you develop a range of teaching skills, and learn how to work effectively with adolescents. You may choose to earn a Bachelor’s degree, complete a Master’s degree program, or finish an alternative certification program. In addition to majoring in education, plan on choosing a field of study like mathematics, biology, art, or a foreign language.

To become skilled in the art of teaching, you may take many classes and aspire to meet a range of learning goals. Courses that may be part of your curriculum include Psychology of Children and Youth, Reading Strategies in Secondary Education, and Classroom Management in Secondary Education. Most programs require you to complete multiple practical experiences, from short classroom-based courses to a full semester of student teaching at the end of your degree.

Mississippi is often viewed as a state with a significant teacher shortage, so you may want to look into state-sponsored financial aid when you’re a teaching student. For example, the Critical Needs Teacher Loan/Scholarship Program provides forgivable loans and scholarship loan money to those who want to work in an area where there’s a critical teacher shortage.

Working in Secondary Education in Mississippi

Once you’ve completed your training, you have earned the right to become a licensed teacher in Mississippi. This involves taking the PRAXIS-II and applying for licensure through the Mississippi Department of Education. Once you have a teaching license, you can freely work in secondary classrooms while teaching in your area of expertise.

Demand for teaching professionals in Mississippi exceeds the national average. From 2012 through 2022, O*Net predicts a 9% increase in secondary teaching jobs, which works out to almost 400 new jobs per year across the state.
Salaries in this specialty depend on seniority, level of experience, and amount of education. O*Net reports an average salary of $41,600 per year for secondary teachers.

Take the next step in your teaching career now by contacting secondary education programs in Mississippi.

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