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Secondary Education Degrees in Massachusetts

Massachusetts, like many other New England states, keeps education as a top priority. Adolescent students in grades six through 12 rely on teachers to help them learn academic subjects, social skills, and life skills. Are you ready to work with kids as they navigate the teenage years? Learn more about secondary education programs in Massachusetts by contacting the schools you see below for program details you can compare before making a decision about your future.

As a middle or high school teacher in Massachusetts, you may play a prominent role in testing across the state. This is incredibly important as the state moves to using the PARCC rather than the MCAS. Extensive knowledge of your subject area and testing protocols can make you an asset to an area high school.

Massachusetts has extremely high educational standards for its high school students, leading to a recent rise in graduation rates. In particular, students who are at risk for dropping out have seen a large jump in graduation rates.

You may enjoy plenty of support from the state as an educator. The most recent state budget led to budget increases for education. Take advantage of the increased focus on education in Massachusetts by looking further into your options for becoming a secondary education teacher today.

Overview of Secondary Education Programs in Massachusetts

To become a secondary teacher in Massachusetts, you must study two main subject areas: education and an academic subject of your choice. Some of the fields you may opt to study include art, history, mathematics, and physics. Select an area of study that you are very passionate about.

There are three licensure routes that you can consider in Massachusetts. If you have a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant area, consider completing a short alternative certification program to get your teaching license. If you have prior experience in education and a Bachelor’s degree, consider a Master’s degree. New or first-time students may find what they need in a Bachelor’s degree program.

As you work through your teaching program, plan on taking courses like Principles of Teaching and Learning, Curriculum Theory and History, Critical Perspectives in Secondary Education, Ability in Context, and Differentiated Curriculum for Gifted Students. Classroom experience is a core part of this program, so plan on spending at least one full semester working in a secondary classroom in your community.

Massachusetts schools and agencies fund a range of scholarships and grants for teaching students. The Massachusetts Office of Student Financial Assistance awards the Tomorrow’s Teachers Scholarship.

Working in Secondary Education in Massachusetts

After going through the hard work of earning a degree, you can start the process of earning your teaching license. This involves passing the PRAXIS-II and going through a rigorous background check. All licensing goes through the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.

There are many benefits of starting your career in Massachusetts. O*Net reports an average salary of $68,700 per year, which is over $13,000 more than the national average. Their estimates indicate an expected increase of 680 jobs per year (O*Net, 2012).

Are you ready to find out how you can become a teacher in Massachusetts? Take the first step by contacting secondary education programs in Massachusetts now.

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