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Secondary Education Degrees in Arizona

When you look at the industries that most affect society, education is always at the top of the list. Teachers are often considered some of the most selfless people out there, simply because of their dedication to their students and their field. If you’re ready to display that type of dedication to the adolescents of Arizona, learn more about secondary education programs in Arizona by contacting the schools on our site.

The field of education is changing substantially in Arizona, increasing the state’s need for professional teachers. State legislators recently voted to remove the requirement of the AIMS test in Arizona high schools.

Arizona officials realize the importance of teachers in their secondary schools. The newest budget for the state of Arizona, according to Tucson.com, increased the amount of money allotted to pay teachers. Furthermore, as a teacher, you may tackle some of Arizona’s biggest problems. High standards for secondary education may improve graduation rates and college enrollment rates.

Overview of Secondary Education Programs in Arizona

The path you take to become a secondary teacher in Arizona depends on what level of education you plan on reaching. If you already have a Bachelor’s degree in education or another field, consider an alternative certification program or a Master’s degree program. Otherwise, you can earn a Bachelor’s degree that allows you to become certified as a secondary teacher in about four years.

Your curriculum may begin with a classroom learning experience. This allows you to get some experience working with high-schoolers and figure out if it’s the right path for you. From there, you start studying education theory and teaching techniques in courses like Introduction to Secondary Education, Methods for Adolescent Learning, and Teaching Methods in High Schools.

On top of your core education courses, you must study an academic subject and specialize in it. Some of the courses are based on teaching methods that are specific to your subject. For example, English students may learn how to teach literature to high school students, while mathematics students may discover ways to make math accessible to high school students.

Working in Secondary Education in Arizona

After completing your degree in secondary education, you can get your teaching license through the Arizona State Board of Education. You must pass the PRAXIS II and a licensing exam in your chosen subject area to qualify for licensure.

Salaries in Arizona vary from school district to school district. In addition, you may qualify for raises as you gain seniority and experience. Per O*Net, the average salary for a secondary teacher in Arizona is $41,700 per year. Job openings for secondary teachers are expected to increase quickly. Through 2022, O*Net anticipates a 15 percent increase in secondary teaching job openings. This growth rate is almost three times higher than the projected national average.

Are you ready to change the field of education as a teacher? Contact secondary education programs in Arizona to learn more today.

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