Physical Education Degrees in Minnesota
Many different factors influence a student’s academic performance and improvement. Good teachers can’t just look at a student’s classroom hours—they have to consider a child’s diet, physical activity, home life, and social skills.
Physical education teachers can do a lot to offset the negative influences outside of school by encouraging self-confidence, helping students develop friendships, and providing a positive outlet for energy.
If you believe that physical activity and healthy habits make a significant difference in an individual’s life, help Minnesota students succeed by becoming a gym teacher.
Role of Educators with a Physical Education Degree in Minnesota
Minnesota weather means that teachers have to get creative about how they keep kids active year-round. Find out the skills and sports that you can use in Minnesota schools by getting in touch with PE teacher degrees Minnesota options.
Physical educators fit into several professional groups. Throughout your career, you may network extensively with teachers of different subjects and grade levels. However, it’s also important to learn from those who work specifically within your area of specialized training. This means joining groups like the Minnesota Society of Healthy and Physical Educators.
Professionals in this group share teaching techniques, discuss legislative changes, advocate for physical education programs, and attend training events. If you study adaptive physical education for students with special needs, you may benefit from membership in a group like Minnesota Developmental Adapted Physical Education.
A lot of training goes into a successful teaching career. If you’re ready to shake up the world of education, contact Minnesota programs to find out how to become a PE teacher.
Getting Your Physical Education Degree in Minnesota
As you search the list of Minnesota schools below, you may find that there are several different paths that lead to licensure as a physical education teacher.
Most students choose to earn a Bachelor’s degree in physical education. This option is ideal for those who do not yet have an undergraduate degree or who only have an Associate’s degree.
If you have already completed a Bachelor’s degree, you may look into other options. Alternative certification programs in Minnesota let you start working as a teacher in about one year. Master’s degree programs offer high-level graduate courses in physical education, preparing you to work in Minnesota schools.
If you opt to pursue a Bachelor’s degree, you may be able to graduate in eight semesters. Throughout your degree, you should divide your time between your college or university and various Minnesota schools. By working in schools in your community, you can quickly learn how to apply your knowledge to real classroom situations.
A thorough grasp of theory is essential for a career in teaching. To build up your teaching skill set, you may take classes like:
- Health and Safety Education
- Components of Fitness Training
- Personal and Community Health
- Health and Exercise Psychology
- School Health Curriculum
- Measurement in Health, Physical Education, and Exercise
- Assessment in Health and Physical Exercise
- Instructional Methods and Materials in Health Education
- Administration and Supervision of School Health Programs
- Current Health Issues
When you are ready to graduate, you should have no fewer than 120 credits. Your final test as a student comes in your last semester. This is when you student teach for an entire semester. By spending over 40 hours per week at a designated school in your community, you find out what it’s really like to work as a teacher and how you can make the most of your time.
You work under the guidance of an experienced physical education teacher. The connections you make as a student teacher may last your entire career, so take the chance to learn everything you can from those who have spent years or decades in this profession. This is also when you start building your reputation in the field of education. Your growth as a teacher may be indicative of your future success.
Excellent student teaching work may help you land a teaching job before you graduate, so network and apply constructive feedback to your daily work.
After you have met the many training requirements of Minnesota, you can begin earning your license through the Minnesota Department of Education. To get a license to teach K-12 physical education, you must pass a two-part physical education licensing test. Each part of the test lasts one hour.
Throughout your training and your early days of teaching, remind yourself of what your career means to each student and to the teaching community as a whole. Some of the work you do has immediate positive effects, but some outcomes won’t be visible for years.
Know that your position as a teacher contributes to a more productive, healthier, and happier generation of Minnesota residents.
Working with a Physical Education Degree in Minnesota
Your physical education degree allows you to work in elementary, middle, and high schools. Salaries in Minnesota fluctuate at each level of education, and they are typically determined by each district.
The average annual income for an elementary teacher is $59,840 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). Teachers in secondary schools claim an average salary of $63,360 (BLS, 2016).
The job outlook in Minnesota is stable, reflecting steady growth in education. O*Net expects to see a 2% increase in elementary school teaching jobs by 2022 (2016).
Secondary school teachers may see a 2% boost in demand during this time (O*Net, 2016).
Though you may have some freedom in how you structure your classes and teach different skills, remember that you should be preparing students to meet certain standards throughout their education. Physical education standards indicate that students should improve their movement competency, build a consistent fitness habit, and interact appropriately in physical activity settings.
Teaching is a meaningful career that can change the lives of everyone around you.
Learn more about earning a degree in physical education by contacting Minnesota schools below.