Home How to Become a Physical Education Teacher Physical Education Degrees in Maine

Physical Education Degrees in Maine

School systems throughout the United States are responsible for achieving a number of challenging goals that are intended to improve students’ lives. One of the biggest priorities in Maine is improving physical activity levels.

Schools have steadily decreased physical education time to make space for academic subjects, a move that has been detrimental to students’ health. As schools work to find balance, the need for specially trained physical education teachers is on the rise.

Earning a physical education degree in Maine can help you get started in this exciting field and provide a much-needed service in schools.

Role of Educators with a Physical Education Degree in Maine

Are you considering a career in physical education? Completing your education in this field can help you get started in one of the most diverse and exciting teaching specialties in Maine.

Request information from PE teacher programs Maine options below.

As you learn more about teaching gym, look into the professional resources available to physical education teachers. Learning more about these opportunities can help you feel confident about your career choice and show you that you have the benefit of a thorough professional network. The Maine Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance aspires to improve the quality of life for Maine residents through physical activity.

Some of the areas of focus include effective educational practices, physical health assessment, high-quality curricula, and evidence-based instructional methods. Look into joining this group as a student member to jumpstart your learning and build on what you discover in your teaching courses.

If this is an area you’re passionate about, a physical education degree is the next step for you. Explore our list of schools in Maine below and contact schools directly to find out what your options are.

Getting Your Physical Education Degree in Maine

The goal of PE teaching degrees this is to empower students to become influential teaching professionals and models to students of all ages, which gives you the chance to become an integral part of your community. If you are a first-time student or you are working toward your first Bachelor’s degree, an undergraduate program is the ideal choice. It includes eight semesters of coursework, much of which focuses on physical education and teaching skills.

Your courses may build your teaching skills in a variety of ways, including field experience, local and national teaching conferences, and community building with other teaching students in your specialty.

As you work toward a Bachelor’s degree, you must successfully meet the learning goals and outcomes of your program. This involves taking courses like:

  • Instructional Skills and Techniques in Physical Education
  • Exercise Science Theories and Techniques
  • Net Games
  • Invasion Games
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Aquatic Sports
  • Dance and Elementary Games
  • Care and Prevention of Injuries
  • Methods in Elementary and Secondary Physical Education
  • Applied Biomechanics
  • Anatomical Kinesiology
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Curriculum Design and Program Evaluation

By the time you graduate, you should have a good sense of the school districts in your area, the teaching culture in your community, and which schools are a good fit for you professionally. This is due to the teaching experience you get in classroom observation courses and your final semester of student teaching.

Physical education courses in Maine do not just focus on the development of physical skills and athletic prowess. Rather, you address general education theories and learn how to apply them to physical education. You also learn about how kids develop at different stages and how your curricular plans should be appropriate for each stage of development.

With a degree, you are close to meeting the requirements for a teaching license. Through the Maine Department of Education, you can complete the rest of the process. This involves passing the Praxis I Writing, Mathematics, and Reading exams, as well as the Praxis II Physical Education Content and Knowledge exam. The Department of Education runs a criminal history check and a fingerprint check on all applicants.

Through education, you should deepen your appreciation for physical education as a field and its benefits. This allows you to invest more fully in your work, knowing that it pays off for the students you serve. Furthermore, you may find that teachers in other subject areas have a great appreciation for physical education teachers and the work they do in improving academic performance and concentration.

Working with a Physical Education Degree in Maine

In general, the field of education is stable in Maine. Between 2012 and 2022, O*Net anticipates an average of 150 new elementary teaching jobs per year and an average of 140 new secondary teaching jobs per year (O*Net, 2016).

Currently, elementary school teachers in Maine earn an average income of $50,870 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). Those who go into secondary school teaching earn an average of $51,480 per year (BLS, 2016).

The work you do in this field contributes to the strength of the physical education system in general. Maine administrators and legislators hope to see physical education programs that support participation in different activities, allow for motor skill development, improve physical fitness, reduce stress levels, and strengthen social skills. Ideally, you want to create lesson plans and activities that help students assess their performance, set realistic goals, and improve their fitness level.

If you’re ready to learn more about how to become a PE teacher, Maine colleges and universities are ready to help.

Use the list of schools below to get in contact with schools in your area and find out how to begin.

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