Home How to Become a Physical Education Teacher Physical Education Degrees in Indiana

Physical Education Degrees in Indiana

In decades past, physical education was often an unpopular class with students of all ages. This had a negative impact as students became adults and were no longer forced to participate in physical activity every day. This led them to give it up entirely. Now, the field of physical education is entirely different.

Physical education teachers work hard to encourage a love of fitness and to help students find their unique talents and skills in sports. As a result, students may be better prepared to stay healthy throughout their lives.

Role of Educators with a Physical Education Degree in Indiana

Physical education teacher degrees ensure that children enjoy the benefit of specially trained gym teachers.

Use the list of Indiana schools below to get more information on becoming a physical education teacher.

Indiana schools, legislators, and parents have worked hard to improve the state of physical education in this state. Look into groups like the Indiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. This group primarily serves gym teachers and teachers in related fields.

Through training events, public awareness programs, and school participation programs, they aim to improve physical activity levels in Indiana. Some of the activities sponsored by this group include Jump Rope for Heart, Project Aces, and Hoops for Heart. These projects keep kids moving while helping them contribute to valuable causes.

Physical education is an essential part of every student’s education. Find out how you can contribute to this field—request information on how to become a physical education teacher from teacher training programs in Indiana.

Getting Your Physical Education Degree in Indiana

Education is a huge priority in Indiana, which benefits you as an aspiring student. There are many teacher training programs in Indiana that have physical education licensure options. At these schools, you can work with experienced teaching professionals, build your understanding of teaching theory, and learn how to apply theory to the field of physical education.

Most students choose to earn a Bachelor’s degree, a four-year degree that paves the way for further study at the graduate or doctoral degree level.

At most Indiana institutions, teaching programs are managed separately from the institution as a whole. That means that you must first get admitted to a college or university before being accepted to its teaching program. This may involve completing a specific amount of general education credits.

Once you are accepted to a physical education degree program, you start taking your teaching courses.

If you declare your major in physical education, this may involve taking classes like:

  • Foundations of Human Movement
  • Fundamentals of Physical Education
  • Structural Kinesiology
  • Current Concepts of Physical Fitness
  • Teaching Group and Individual Sports
  • Biomechanics
  • Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
  • Adapted Physical Education
  • Physiology of Exercise
  • Motor Development and Learning
  • Physical Education Field Experience
  • Basic Methods for Teaching Physical Education
  • Intermediate Methods for Teaching Physical Education
  • Tools of Learning

    Clearly, this degree focuses both on general education theory and specific physical education theory. You get the chance to apply what you’ve learned throughout your program. You may start by observing skilled teachers in gym classes, move on to teaching occasional lessons, and eventually take complete responsibility for a classroom.

    For your final semester as a student, you work as a student teacher. Student teachers spend at least 40 hours per week in the classroom, in addition to other hours as needed.

    Once these requirements are met, you can apply for your teaching license through the Indiana Office of Educator Effectiveness and Licensing. The state of Indiana uses its own assessment process. You must take the Indiana CORE Assessment Physical Education Exam before getting your license.

    Do not underestimate the importance of your chosen career path in Indiana education. Physical education isn’t just a way for kids to have fun and unwind from academic subjects. Rather, it enhances their mental performance, helps them build social skills, and improves the field of education in general.

    Working with a Physical Education Degree in Indiana

    You may be assigned to an elementary, middle, or secondary school in Indiana, depending on your preference and which district you decide to work in. Each grade has its own learning standards, which means you’ll need to shape your curriculum around the specific standards of your grade.

    The grade level you teach may also influence your earning potential. In Indiana, elementary school teachers earn an average of $51,200 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). Secondary school teachers have an average income of $49,870 per year (BLS, 2016).

    As is the case in much of the country, the need for teachers is growing in Indiana. Between 2012 and 2022, O*Net predicts a 9% boost in demand for elementary school teachers (2016). By 2022, job openings for secondary school teachers may increase 10% (O*Net, 2016).

    If you’re ready to change lives as a teacher, there is no better time to start than right now. The first step is getting more information on PE teacher degrees.

    Indiana schools, listed below, can help you choose the right program for your needs.

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