Home How to Become a Physical Education Teacher Physical Education Degrees in Delaware

Physical Education Degrees in Delaware

Public and private schools in Delaware give students the priceless opportunity to prepare for adult life, learn entirely new skills, and explore further education options. Teachers of all specialties and grade levels are responsible for helping students reach their full potential.

Becoming a physical education teacher gives you the chance to help students thrive in an area of their lives that is often overlooked. Even students who don’t want to play sports benefit from regular physical activity and motor skill improvement.

Teaching students from converting through 12th grade puts you in a position to influence their future health and fitness goals.

Role of Educators with a Physical Education Degree in Delaware

Physical education degrees aim to prepare future educators to work with students of all ages upon graduation.

Find out which teaching degree is the right choice for you by contacting DE schools for physical education teachers.

Although physical education is gaining national attention amidst reports of skyrocketing obesity rates in the United States, it is still a field that is occasionally overlooked in favor of more academic subjects. That’s why passionate physical education teachers are so important.

They advocate for their students and for their field of study, ensuring that future generations have the chance to build strong motor skills in school. When you decide to study physical education, you can learn a lot from those who have followed the same path as you. The Delaware Association For Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance is a significant resource for physical education teachers, health teachers, and teachers in related fields.

Getting involved now may help you find a mentor, build practical teaching skills, and learn about student teaching opportunities.

Postsecondary education is the key to becoming a licensed teacher in Delaware. Learn more about how to become a PE teacher by contacting Delaware colleges and universities today.

Getting Your Physical Education Degree in Delaware

Although there are several paths you can take to become a physical education teacher, the majority of students start by earning a Bachelor’s degree in physical education from an accredited teacher training program in Delaware. If you already have a Bachelor’s degree, a teaching license in another area, or a teaching license from another state, you may consider other options.

To earn a Bachelor’s degree, you are required to earn at least 120 credits. Most Delaware programs stay very close to 120 credits, allowing you to aim for degree completion with eight semesters of full-time study.

While quite a few of your courses are general knowledge classes, you really develop your teaching skills in your education courses. Typically, you need to be accepted to the teaching program before you can start taking classes. This process may involve taking a general knowledge exam and submitting to a background check.

When you are accepted, you start taking courses that explore teaching pedagogy, an area that looks at educational theory and its application to students.

When you begin taking courses unique to the field of physical education, you may enroll in courses like:

  • Teaching Fitness and Physical Activity Concepts
  • History and Principles of Physical Education
  • Philosophical Foundations of Education
  • Teaching Territorial Games
  • Movement Education
  • Lifetime Fitness and Wellness
  • Teaching Net and Wall Games
  • Teaching Target and Field Games
  • Instructional Techniques in Education
  • Physiology of Exercise
  • Adapted Physical Education

As you progress through your curriculum, your theory courses should be supplemented with field experiences. Field experience courses generally send you to a local school for three hours a week, where you observe skilled teachers, work on specific teaching skills, and develop your confidence as a teacher.

However, you truly step into your role as a teacher in the final semester of your education. This is when you complete 12 credits of student teaching work. This entails teaching full-time at a local school and keeping the same hours as your supervising teacher. Throughout the semester, you should learn how to juggle teaching responsibilities, build rapport with students, plan courses, finish grading tasks, and collaborate with other teachers.

The more field experience you get, the more you’ll see what physical education brings to the school system of Delaware. The time students spend in your class each day can help them improve their physical health, perform better in other courses, build important skills in teamwork and cooperation, and establish strong fitness habits.

Physical education degrees show you how to teach different sports, games and activities. Explore different programs by reaching out to teaching schools in Delaware.

Working with a Physical Education Degree in Delaware

After earning a Bachelor’s degree, you can finish the rest of the licensing process in Delaware. You must take the Praxis II exam in Health and Physical Education Content Knowledge. With a passing score on this exam, you can apply for licensure via the Delaware Educator Data System.

Generally, physical education teaching salaries are in line with salaries of teachers at the same grade level. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports an average salary of $60,250 per year for elementary school teachers (2016). Secondary school teachers in Delaware earn an average of $58,870 per year (BLS, 2016).

The field of education is stable in Delaware. Through 2022, demand for elementary school teachers may increase 9% (O*Net, 2016). At the same time, job openings for secondary school teachers are expected to jump 3% (O*Net, 2016).

Throughout your career, remember the overall goals of physical education. A strong physical education program should give students the knowledge, skills and desire for a lifetime of fitness activity.

If you’re ready to take the next step and begin a career in education, request information from Delaware schools to find out more about earning a degree in physical education.

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