Home Degrees Master's Master's in Education Schools in Wyoming

Master’s in Education Schools in Wyoming

Teacher salaries in Wyoming aren’t high, but some have argued that, when adjusting for the state’s low cost of living, teachers actually make out quite well. According to one analysis, the cost-adjusted salary for an experienced Wyoming teacher with a master’s degree is 21 percent above the national average.

A master’s degree isn’t required to teach in the state, but having one typically leads to a bump in pay.

The state currently has a shortage of qualified applicants to teach English, English as a second language, family and consumer science, foreign language, math, science, and special education.

Below is a list of Masters of Education programs in Wyoming. Use the links to request information from schools that you are interested in, or use the nearby state links below to find additional Masters of Education programs in states near you.

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Selected Master’s Degree Programs in Wyoming

University of Wyoming. The University of Wyoming, the state’s flagship public university, offers Master of Arts and Master of Science degrees in a number of education-related fields. Master of Arts degrees include adult and post secondary education, curriculum and instruction, educational leadership, and special education. Master of Science degrees are offered in school counseling, community mental health counseling, and instructional technology.

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