Home Degrees Master's Master's in Education Programs in New Jersey

Master’s in Education Programs in New Jersey

The median salary for teachers in the Garden State of New Jersey for the 2016-2017 school year was $66,117.  However, variances among districts within the state are among the greatest in the country. In April 2017, the state Department of Education released statistics that showed the median 2016-2017 teachers’ salaries for all districts in New Jersey ranged from $42,000 to $105,000. The disparity is, in part, a factor of the cost of living in some areas.

A Master’s in Education program improves teaching skills and increases salaries. More knowledge and improved skills lead to better education outcomes. A master’s degree in education can also open doors outside the field of education in jobs such as corporate trainers, education consultants, or other jobs requiring strong communication skills.

If you’re wondering whether or not you should earn an advanced degree in education, read on for information about graduate schools in New Jersey; careers for those with education master’s degrees; or take your first step in earning your master’s by clicking to request information from schools in New Jersey listed on this page! 

Earning your Master’s in Education in New Jersey

The annual US News report on the top graduate education programs in the country includes graduate schools in New Jersey.

Master’s Programs – New Jersey:


Programs Offered


Rutgers University

Ed.M. programs available with a wide range of areas of specialization

New Brunswick

Seton Hall

Master’s programs in Education Leadership, Administration, Instructional Design and Technology

South Orange

Thomas Edison State University

MA Educational Leadership

MA Educational Technology and Online Learning


Scholarships and other financial aid opportunities are plentiful in New Jersey, and online MAT programs in New Jersey may also be an option you consider if you want to maintain low costs while earning your degree. Consider these other opportunities

Working in New Jersey with a Master’s in Education Degree

According to the careeeronestop.org, jobs for elementary school teachers in New Jersey will increase by 2 percent between now and 2026, with 3,330 jobs becoming available annually. At the secondary level, the increase in positions is also projected to be 2 percent, with 2,250 annual job openings.  Employment growth and wages vary by district. Experience and education levels provide increases in salaries for educators.

In addition to teaching in public and private schools, a Master’s in Education can lead to career opportunities in school administration, higher education, or positions in business or nonprofit organizations.

There are also more opportunities for those holding a master’s level degree to get involved in research jobs at companies such as the National Institute for Early Education Research, Mathematica Policy Research, or the Princeton Educational Research Institute.  

Opportunities for those with a Master’s in Education also exist outside of teaching in New Jersey. For example, some may easily transition into positions as corporate trainers or education consultants. To name a few such roles:

Ready to take the first step in earning your degree? Great! Just click any of the links for schools that interest you to get started.

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