Home Degrees Master's Master's in Education Programs in Missouri

Master’s in Education Programs in Missouri

How much you’ll make as a teacher will depend largely upon where you teach. The average teacher’s salary in the state is in the low to middle forties range -25 percent more than the average worker in the state makes – but teachers in large urban districts like St. Louis and Kansas City tend to bring home more than teachers in the more rural areas of the state. Having a master’s degree can earn you more money, but how much more depends on where you teach and how many years of experience you have. In St. Louis, a beginning teacher with a master’s degree makes $2,500 more per year than a beginning teacher without one, while more experienced teachers can make an additional $5,000 a year by having a master’s degree, according to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Teachers face a sunny job outlook in Missouri, with the state projected to add 16,000 elementary and secondary school jobs between 2008 and 2018 – a 10 percent increase in the state’s teaching force.

Below is a list of Masters of Education programs in Missouri. Use the links to request information from schools that you are interested in, or use the nearby state links below to find additional Masters of Education programs in states near you.

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Selected Master’s degree programs in Missouri

Saint Louis University. Saint Louis University offers master’s programs both through its college of education and through its school of professional studies, which is aimed at busy adults. The professional studies degrees can be completed online, or through hybrid online/in-person courses.

Missouri State University. Missouri State offers a Master of Arts in teaching degree aimed at students who are not yet teachers and want to pursue their teaching certificate and their master’s degree at the same time. Prospective students should have two years of work experience in their field. The degree is also offered at the university’s Joplin and West Plains campuses.

University of Missouri. The University of Missouri – Kansas City offers master’s programs in counseling, administration, curriculum and instruction, reading education, and special education, as well as an array of educational specialist graduate degrees.

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