Home Degrees Master's Masters of Education Programs in Connecticut

Masters of Education Programs in Connecticut

Teachers in Connecticut have traditionally been near the top of the country in terms of salary, and teachers with a master’s degree generally make more money that those without one. While teacher pay differs from district to district, having a master’s degree can add thousands of extra dollars per year.

According to ConnCAN, the average beginning teacher nets more than $3,500 extra for having a master’s degree in education. A Master’s in Education leads to higher pay and opens doors to additional opportunities, including higher education, business, and the nonprofit sector.

So what are the best master’s degrees for teachers to get? Is it online MAT programs? Or a more traditional M.Ed. at a brick and mortal school? With so many to choose from, it’s hard to know where to start.

To make it easier on you, we’ve outlined some of your options below! We’ve also put together information on careers in Connecticut for those with a master’s degree in education. If you’re already ready to take your first step towards earing your degree, request information by clicking on the links on the school pages below.

Earning your Master’s in Education in Connecticut

You’ll be able to find a Masters of Education program in Connecticut that matches your particular interests. Traditional, online and hybrid programs are available.

University of Connecticut·   Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s (IB/M) Program in Teacher Education

·   Master of Arts in curriculum and instruction

·   Master of Arts in educational psychology (special education)

Fairfield UniversityGraduate programs in Education include, bilingual education, counseling, elementary, secondary and Special education.Fairfield
Quinnipiac UniversityMaster of Arts in teaching program for elementary or secondary educationHamden

If you’d like to earn your graduate education degree but don’t know how you’ll pay for it, look no further. We’ve compiled this list of options for financial assistance:

  • The Minority Teacher Incentive Grant is for future teachers from minority groups.
  • The Weisman Scholarship is awarded to those who want to teach math or science.
  • The TEACH Grant is for teachers who agree to be instructors in underserved communities for four years post-graduation.
  • Many schools offer scholarships to their students, so be sure to check with the programs you’re interested in to see what financing options are available to you!

Working in Connecticut with a Master’s in Education Degree

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment growth and wages for teachers who hold a master’s degree will vary throughout the state.  Learn more about teaching in Connecticut by visiting ConnCan.org where you can compare teacher contracts and district results throughout the state.

The average first year salary for a teacher with a master’s degree is $48,266.

The average mid-scale (with a master’s degree) is $63,838. On average, the difference between the salary of a teacher with a master’s degree and bachelor’s degree at their respective starting salary step is $3,560. Teachers with National Board Certification receive an annual bonus, on average, of $1500.

Additionally, some type of performance pay is available in 5% of the state’s districts including, Bloomfield, Columbia, East Granby, Hartford, New Haven, Southington, West Haven, Path Academy, and Woodstock Academy.

Teachers develop excellent time management and leadership skills. They know how to motivate and communicate effectively, skills that transfer into other fields.  A Master’s in Education can open doors to potential opportunities in higher education, business, and the nonprofit sector. To name a few options in Connecticut:

If any of these careers sound appealing and you’re ready to get started on your educational journey, just request information by clicking on any of the school links!

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