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Elementary Education Degrees in Tennessee

Education is at the center of Tennessee life. Making high-quality, evidence-based education available to students of all background and ages can strengthen quality of life in Tennessee and give students lots of opportunities in the future. If you’ve been waiting for the chance to do an elementary education degree and become a teacher, this may be the ideal time to learn more about your options and choose a training program in your community.

Becoming an Elementary Teacher in Tennessee

Before you can jump into a teaching career and start working with students, you need a solid educational background. That’s what you can find at accredited Tennessee colleges and universities. Contact Tennessee elementary education programs now to start the search for the perfect program.

In recent reports, it’s clear that Tennessee is struggling to improve its education system. Student outcomes aren’t where they should be, putting Tennessee students behind those from other states. The state has invested in research to track the source of this problem, and they’ve discovered that Tennessee’s education programs are largely due to the state’s teacher shortage (WSMV Nashville, 2017). More teachers may lead to smaller class sizes and more personalized education for each student.

Is education the field for you? If it is, don’t wait any longer to get involved in this field of study. Discover an elementary teacher program that’s right for your by reaching out to local schools today.

Getting Your Elementary Education Degree in Tennessee

If you want to become a teacher in Tennessee, you should become familiar with the state’s licensing requirements. To become a licensed teacher, you need at least a Bachelor’s degree. If you already have an Associate’s degree, you may finish a Bachelor’s degree in as little as two years. Otherwise, plan on dedicating four years to finishing your Bachelor’s degree.

New students begin with general education classes. This gives you a feel for college-level coursework and allows you to raise your GPA. Teaching programs have minimum GPA requirements, and general education classes are the perfect way to reach these standards.

Upon getting accepted to an elementary teacher program, you may start with several introductory teaching courses. These courses may put you in local classrooms to get relevant experience and require you to master core teaching theories. During all of your classroom rotations, do your best to take initiative and act on feedback. This is an excellent way to make a good first impression on experienced teachers and school administrators.

Elementary Education Course Options in Tennessee

  • Educational Psychology
  • Educational Data and Assessment
  • Teaching of Social Studies
  • Teaching of Mathematics
  • Instructional Technology in the Classroom
  • Literacy Instruction
  • Teaching Persons with Disabilities
  • Student Engagement

Your final assessment as a teaching student is student teaching. Student teaching is a full-time commitment that has you spend, on average, 40 hours per week in a local classroom. Since you spend the entire semester in one classroom, you get to build connections with students and get comfortable with your supervising teacher. Get feedback from your supervising teacher periodically to make changes in your teaching techniques. If you fit in well at a school and you impress your supervisors, you may be offered a position for the next school year.

Your elementary education degree permits you to apply for licensure, a process regulated by the Tennessee Department of Education. This agency requires a passing score on the Praxis II exam. Your first license is an Apprentice Teacher License, which lasts five years.

There’s a lot to learn in this field, so why not get started now? Get in touch with Tennessee teacher education programs to start comparing your training options.

Working as an Elementary Educator in Tennessee

Tennessee has a rapidly growing demand for teachers. The sooner you begin your training, the sooner you may be able to make a difference in local school districts. Through 2024, O*Net expects job openings for Tennessee elementary school teachers to increase 15% (2017). Tennessee elementary education teachers claim a mean income of $50,090 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017).

Make networking and continuing education two of your top priorities throughout your career, especially as you get established in your local teaching community. Local teachers may know the ins and outs of teaching in different districts. This information may shorten your learning curve and help you use your time more efficiently. Attending continuing education programs can help you keep your license valid and stay up-to-date on new teaching techniques and research. The Tennessee Education Association is one of the largest professional organizations in this state.

As a teacher, you could impact the lives of students, family members, and those in your community. Take the first step now and reach out to teacher education programs in Tennessee to find the right program for you.

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