Home Careers in Education Elementary School Teacher South Carolina

Elementary Education Degrees in South Carolina

You’ve been waiting for the perfect time to earn an elementary education degree and start working as a South Carolina teacher. This is your time to shine! South Carolina has a growing shortage of teachers, leaving many students in large classrooms with not enough specialized education. With an elementary education degree, you may be ready to teach in South Carolina’s public and private elementary schools. At a South Carolina college or university, you may take the first steps toward a teaching license and build your knowledge of child development.

Becoming an Elementary Teacher in South Carolina

Before you can work as a teacher, you need a thorough knowledge of educational issues and trends in South Carolina. It all starts at a local elementary teacher program. Contact schools in your community to learn more about your options.

Over the years, the education system has changed substantially. This impacts schools at a local, state, and federal level, putting new restrictions on teachers every year. During this time, South Carolina has made major strides in its educational system. By improving access to healthcare and increasing education funding, the state has seen a boost in student outcomes and test scores (Greenville News, 2017). As an elementary school teacher, you can keep this trend going and make education stronger in your community.

Keep reading to learn more about becoming a teacher and South Carolina teacher certification requirements. Then, browse our list of South Carolina teaching programs and contact schools in your community.

Getting Your Elementary Education Degree in South Carolina

Picking a school that fits your needs well may help you get more out of your training and reach your full potential as an educator. That’s why it’s important to take your time, contact multiple schools, and compare your options thoroughly. You may want to tour local teaching schools and get a feel for each program’s learning environment.

If you are like most other teaching students, you’re interested in earning a Bachelor’s degree. A Master’s degree is only available to students who already possess a Bachelor’s degree. Most aspiring teachers start out by completing an undergraduate elementary education program. You could graduate with 120 to 130 credits in approximately four years. Generally, you don’t begin with teaching classes. Instead, you go through several semesters of general education coursework before applying to your institution’s teaching program. At that point, you begin your theory and practical experience courses.

Elementary Education Course Options in South Carolina

  • Schools in Communities
  • Learners and the Diversity of Learning
  • Issues and Trends in Teaching and Learning
  • Integrated Curriculum in Elementary Schools
  • Classroom Assessment
  • Elementary Mathematics Instruction
  • Reading Assessment
  • Elementary Literacy Instruction
  • Environments for Teaching and Learning

By the time you reach graduation, you should have teaching experience in a variety of grade levels at local schools. Use your classroom rotations to decide which grade you’d like to teach after graduation. This may dictate your student teaching placement. Student teaching lasts a full semester. While other classroom rotations may include three to 10 hours of classroom experience per week, this semester makes you take on the role of full-time teacher. That’s why you may not take any other courses while working as a student teacher. Even if you earn your elementary education degree online, you have to get the same amount of classroom and student teaching experience.

Getting your degree from an accredited university may permit you to apply for certification through the South Carolina Department of Education. Once you pass the Praxis II, you get your Initial Certificate, which is valid for three years.

Teachers are some of the most important people in society, shaping the future of each community and helping children succeed. Find the perfect elementary teacher program for you now by contacting South Carolina teacher education programs.

Working as an Elementary Educator in South Carolina

Education job growth in South Carolina is on par with national averages. From 2014 through 2024, job openings for elementary educators may swell 7% in South Carolina (O*Net, 2017). Currently, South Carolina elementary school teachers bring in a mean salary of $48,480 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017).

The first few years of a teaching career are extremely busy, but don’t put aside networking and professional growth. The larger your professional network, the easier it may be for you to navigate the challenges of your classroom. As a member of the South Carolina Education Association, you can connect with teachers in your area and learn about upcoming continuing education programs.

This is your opportunity to work toward a teaching degree and change the future of education in South Carolina. Touch base with South Carolina elementary education programs to get the ball rolling.

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