Home Careers in Education Elementary School Teacher New Hampshire

Elementary Education Degrees in New Hampshire

There are many benefits that come with a career in teaching. If you’ve always thought you’d be a good teacher but you’ve never had the opportunity to take that step in your education, this may be your chance. Demand for educators is swelling all over the country. When you become an elementary education teacher, you may help your district enjoy smaller class sizes and give your students more individualized instruction. It all starts with education and training from an accredited college or university.

Becoming an Elementary Teacher in New Hampshire

To earn a teaching license in New Hampshire, you have to prove that you meet a variety of requirements and standards. It starts with your education. Weigh your options now by reaching out to elementary education programs in New Hampshire.

Education is undoubtedly one of the most important sectors in society, a fact that is almost universally understood. This helps you in several ways. First, you are supported by a huge body of research that shows how important teachers are. Second, you enjoy the support of community members and parents who want teachers to be fairly compensated. Finally, you may be in a position to inspire change in society as a whole. This is a great time to become a teacher in New Hampshire, as the most recent state budget has bumped up educational spending considerably (Seacoast Online, 2017).

Ready to find the right elementary teacher program for you? With our list of elementary teacher training programs, you can easily request information from schools near you.

Getting Your Elementary Education Degree in New Hampshire

Choosing a school is one of the first steps on your path to become a teacher. While there are background checks, tests, and other qualifications to meet, you can’t reach any of those steps until you’ve finished at least a Bachelor’s degree. This degree is a popular choice, since it allows those with high school diplomas to start preparing for a teaching career. If you already have an Associate’s degree, you may save up to two years on your four-year degree.

By the time you reach graduation, you should have at least 120 credits to your name. However, this encompasses more than just teaching. In fact, New Hampshire Bachelor’s programs include up to 60 credits of general education. These courses are available in your first couple years of school and they enhance your overall knowledge.

The application process is rigorous at some New Hampshire schools. You may have to pass the Praxis I, get written references, and have a high GPA before you’re admitted to the teaching program. Once you’ve accomplished that, though, it’s onward and upward.

In the early days of your education, you may take teaching theory courses and a few classroom experience courses. While schools used to concentrate classroom rotations at the end of a degree, most now require classroom time every semester. This makes it easier for you to become comfortable with students and learn how to take on teaching duties with different grade levels.

Elementary Education Course Options in New Hampshire

  • Assessment, Accountability, and Teaching in the Classroom
  • Learning with Technology
  • Emerging and Early Literacy
  • Social Studies Education
  • Foundations of Teaching and Learning
  • Mathematics Instruction
  • Methods of Teaching Mathematics
  • Literacy in the Content Areas

When you reach graduation, you should be an expert in childhood development. This includes how children learn, how they form bonds, and what skills they need to transition smoothly into adulthood. Theory is an essential component of your training, but you have to see how theory plays out in the classroom. After you’ve finished your shorter classroom rotations, you conclude your degree with a semester of student teaching. The feedback and references you get from your supervising teacher and administrator may be instrumental in the early days of your career, so put in lots of hours and work hard to constantly improve.

Once you’ve finished your Bachelor’s degree, you can move on to the next step: applying for a license. Licensing is overseen by the New Hampshire Department of Education, which uses the Praxis II as a licensing exam for elementary educators. After they verify your education, run your background check, and get proof of your passing Praxis II scores, they may give you a Beginning Educator Certificate. This certificate is valid for three years.

It’s clear that there’s a lot to learn as an aspiring teacher. This field is truly a calling, not just a career. The time you put into learning about research, child growth, and learning styles may pay off for years to come as you improve the lives of your students.

This is your chance to jump into this field and get going. Find out how you can earn an elementary education degree by contacting New Hampshire schools on this page.

Working as an Elementary Educator in New Hampshire

You’re done with your education, the licensing process is complete, and you’re ready to get to work. The job application process is pretty straightforward in this field. As a new college graduate, you may be able to access job listings through your alma mater. They often support students in the early stages of their careers. You can also reach out to your student teaching site for references or for information on job openings. This is a great option if you work in an underserved area, since they may prefer the convenience of hiring someone who already knows their district and teaching goals.

Building your professional network should be a top priority for you. Teachers need support, especially in the early years of their careers. Joining groups like the National Education Association of New Hampshire is an easy way to connect with peers, reach out to experienced teachers for help, and continue your education through training seminars.

Job growth is on the rise in New Hampshire, with an expected 3% jump in elementary teaching job openings by 2024 (O*Net, 2017). New Hampshire elementary school teachers claim a mean income of $56,390 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017).

Now that you know what it takes to become a great teacher, you can get started. Get more information from New Hampshire teaching programs to help you make your choice.

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