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Elementary Education Degrees in Missouri

Teaching is a great career choice for those who are passionate about making a difference and improving life in their community. Teachers are an essential part of society. In particular, elementary school teachers are extremely important to the people of Missouri. Elementary school is often the first time that children spend an extended amount of time away from their parents, so it’s important that they have access to well-educated teachers. Earning a degree in elementary education may be the first step for you toward a new career.

Becoming an Elementary Teacher in Missouri

As you learn more about how to become a teacher, you may want to start comparing teaching programs in Missouri. Check out our list of accredited teaching programs and get in touch with the schools that fit your needs.

Continuous improvement is an important part of the education industry, and Missouri has it down to an art. In this state, schools are held to high standards. Schools that fall below state standards are put into a rigorous program that aims to improve student outcomes and make Missouri a leader in education (STL Today, 2017). Schools are part of an accountability program that ensures that they’re taking the right steps to growth and improvement. Student growth is one of the biggest indicators of success.

Ready to learn more about the top elementary education programs in Missouri? Request information from elementary education training programs in Missouri today to begin comparing your options.

Getting Your Elementary Education Degree in Missouri

Education is the foundation of any teaching career, so it’s important to find a school that really fits your needs and puts you in a good position to reach your professional potential. The most widely available option in Missouri is a Bachelor’s degree in elementary education. This undergraduate degree takes an average of four years of full-time study. By the time you finish your training, you should be completely comfortable managing an elementary school classroom and working toward state goals throughout the course of a school year.

Over the four years you spend earning an undergraduate degree in elementary education, you should earn no fewer than 120 credits. These credits are split between general education courses and education classes. At most schools, you must earn 15 to 30 credits in general education classes before you can apply to the teaching program. The application process can take a bit of time, so plan ahead. You may need to secure references from past teachers, provide academic records, and craft an essay on your interest in the teaching profession.

Once you begin your teaching coursework, you may immediately get put into a local elementary school classroom. The sooner you start working with kids, the sooner you can start building your teaching persona and learning how to interact with students. You should get classroom experience throughout your degree, culminating in a full semester of student teaching immediately before graduation.

Elementary Education Course Options in Missouri

  • Elementary School Curriculum
  • Integrated Curriculum, Learning, and Teaching
  • Advanced Theory and Practice in Communication Arts
  • Advanced Theory and Practice in Math
  • Topical Issues in Education
  • Problems in Education
  • Differentiated Instruction

The other option you may come across in your search is a graduate degree. Master’s in elementary education programs are a convenient option for students with a Bachelor’s degree in education or a related field. In approximately two years, you may deepen your understanding of elementary education and your role as a teacher.

Some graduate programs have elementary education online degree programs. However, these options are typically only available to working teachers who already have hundreds of classroom hours behind them. If you do not have any teaching experience, you have to attend a program that provides classroom experience if you want to become licensed.

The training you get as an undergraduate or graduate student should get you ready to take charge of a classroom. However, your education serves a second purpose: it prepares you for the testing process in Missouri. Before you can start working as a teacher, you have to get your license through the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. While many states use Praxis exams for licensure purposes, this state relies on Missouri Content Assessments. Your education should fully cover the material tested in these exams. Once you pass all mandatory exams, have your application approved, and provide proof of your education, you may be ready to get your teaching license and begin working.

Becoming a teacher is an amazing way to build a meaningful career and commit to work that changes lives. Are you ready to take the first step? Reach out to Missouri elementary education programs to start the process.

Working as an Elementary Educator in Missouri

The process of finding a job depends a lot on where you want to work in Missouri and which grade levels you’re interested in teaching. If you want to stay local, look into openings at your student teaching site. If you do well as a student teacher and impress the school principal, you may secure a full-time position upon earning your license. You may also expand your job search to nearby districts. At many inner city schools and rural schools, there’s a severe shortage of teachers who are willing to work with underserved students. If you work in an underserved area, you may be able to apply for state and federal student loan forgiveness programs.

Overall, the need for teachers in Missouri is growing steadily. Between 2014 and 2024, job openings for elementary school teachers may swell 5% (O*Net, 2017). Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, elementary school teachers bring in an average salary of $53,390 per year (2017).

As a new teacher, you may wonder how you can learn the ropes of this industry and make the most of your time. This is where networking comes into play. There’s a lot you can learn from other teachers, and building meaningful connections with educators may allow you to learn from their experience. Joining the Missouri State Teachers Association or a similar organization is a good first step.

The path to a teaching license can start right now when you get in touch with schools near you. Browse our list of Missouri teaching schools and reach out to schools in your community.

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