Home Degrees Educational Specialist Wisconsin

Education Specialist Degrees in Wisconsin

Many people say that teaching is a calling, not just a career choice. Your decision to work in this field has likely already improved your school district and the lives of hundreds of children. By keeping your passion alive and always working hard to improve your skills, you can continue to influence the field of education in Wisconsin. On top of annual continuing education opportunities, you may opt to advance your education with post-Master’s degree options.

Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Wisconsin

From large cities like Madison and Milwaukee to the hundreds of rural communities in Wisconsin, every student deserves well-trained, educated teachers. Find out how you can become an even better teacher by contacting education specialist degree programs in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin’s commitment to education has paid off for students everywhere. Each year, Wisconsin consistently ranks high in AP participation, ACT scores, and high school graduation rates (Post Crescent, 2016). The most recent data indicates that Wisconsin’s graduation rate is 88%, making it number two in the entire country.

Despite solid, consistent performance in schools across Wisconsin, the need for teachers is still high in this state. In fact, the teacher shortage in Wisconsin has been consistently worsening for several years (La Crosse Tribune, 2016). Between 2010 and 2014, an average of over 5000 Wisconsin teachers left the profession each year. Teacher training programs have not been able to keep up with the shortage, which means the gap gets more severe each year. As an education specialist, you can help new teachers get the support and training they need to stay in the education industry.

Interested in finding out how an ed. specialist degree could shape your career? Reach out to Wisconsin programs below for more information.

Getting Your Educational Specialist Degree in Wisconsin

As you start looking into Wisconsin schools, make sure you meet the admissions requirements for any programs you are considering applying to. This is a post-Master’s degree program, so you should already have a Master’s degree in education, several years of teaching experience, and a valid teaching license. Some schools have specific work experience requirements, while others simply expect applicants to be comfortable in the classroom.

One of the most important considerations to keep in mind as you compare schools is what you want to do with your degree. If you want to continue working in the classroom as a teacher, you have to choose a subject area to focus on. If you would like to apply your teaching experience to another part of education, you may consider specialties like school administration and school psychology. Some options available at Wisconsin schools are listed below:

  • School Psychology
  • Career and Technical Education
  • Educational Leadership
  • Policy Administration

One easy way to find the right program for you is to look at the courses and learning outcomes for each program. You’ll quickly figure out whether a program is for aspiring administrators, classroom teachers, or other education professionals. If you plan on going into a field like school psychology, you may take courses like:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Children and Adolescents
  • Consultation and Prevention
  • Advanced Child Development
  • Social Context and Diversity in Schools
  • Mental Health Delivery in Schools
  • Applied Psychopharmacology

A focus on career and technical education may help you take your career to a post-secondary setting. Teaching adults is very different from teaching children, which is what this degree focuses on. Your curriculum may include courses like:

  • Issues in Career and Technical Education
  • Policy and Legal Issues in Career and Technical Education
  • Curriculum Theory and Practice
  • Instrumentation for Research
  • Impacts of Technology
  • Quality of Improvement in Education

No matter which area of specialty you select, hands-on experience is a major part of your requirements. Depending on your specialty, you may meet these expectations in the classroom, in an administrative setting, or in another educational setting.

The information you gain while earning your required 30 to 40 credits can yield positive benefits for you professionally and personally. Working with other educators who are as passionate about this field as you are can help you become more confident and learn new techniques for your students. In addition, your commitment to education may help you take advantage of new career opportunities and promotions. Furthermore, your district may be able to use your expertise in many different ways, making this degree advantageous for education in general.

Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Wisconsin

As long as you plan on working in education, your career is regulated by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. They have requirements for each type of license that they oversee. If you plan on becoming a school psychologist, school counselor, or school administrator, you need to complete additional competency tests and apply for a new license.

Furthering your education may improve your job outlook or salary potential. Below are some career options in Wisconsin, expected job growth through 2022, and average salary information:

  • School administrator: 2% expected growth O*Net, 2016; $96,660 average salary BLS, 2016.
  • Instructional coordinator: 6% expected growth O*Net, 2016; $63,090 average salary BLS, 2016
  • Secondary school teacher: 2% expected growth O*Net, 2016; $55,360 average salary BLS, 2016

Ed.S programs should help you develop your leadership capabilities, as well as your confidence in your value as a leader. Use this to benefit the field of education. Consider becoming an active voice in groups like the Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English, the Wisconsin Education Association Council, and the Wisconsin Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.

An education specialist degree can help you develop an entirely new skill set for your classroom. To find out more about Ed.S programs, WI schools on the list below are ready to help you!

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