Home Degrees Educational Specialist Oregon

Education Specialist Degrees in Oregon

The education you have gained as a teacher is as valuable as the degrees you have earned. However, the one constant truth of teaching is that it is always changing.

Research uncovers new teaching techniques and paves the way to new standards. To continue providing your students with an excellent learning experience, you must continue your education throughout your career.

An education specialist degree may expand your role in the classroom and make you an expert in your area of study.

Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Oregon

Becoming an education specialist shows your commitment to teaching and to your subject area. Learn more about programs near you by requesting information below.

If you teach science, this may be an excellent time to take your education to the next level. Oregon recently introduced new science standards, which legislators plan on implementing in 2018 (EdWeek, 2016). The Next Generation Science Standards outline what you should teach and what material is tested at each grade level. Earning an advanced degree in science education may give you an advantage when Oregon schools begin utilizing these standards.

The Every Student Succeeds Act has required many Oregon districts to implement significant changes (Statesman Journal, 2016). Communities, recognizing the value of education, are coming together to keep students engaged and active at each grade level.

The future of education is in specialization. Find out how an Ed.S degree can prepare you for upcoming changes in the industry.

Getting Your Educational Specialist Degree in Oregon

There are many ways to use an education specialist degree, depending on your chosen subject, your creativity, and your future career goals. You may continue working as a classroom teacher and use your education to improve class outcomes and student engagement.

You may take your teaching experience and your new degree with you into a career in educational administration. You may develop curricular materials based on what teachers in your field need. There are plenty of opportunities, and your program selection is where you start.

Each Oregon school has different options, so you may want to choose an area of study before striking schools off your list. Some of the options currently available in Oregon include:

  • School Psychology
  • Educational Leadership
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Administrative Leadership

Clearly, some degrees aim to prepare you for an entirely new career. In educational leadership, you learn how to turn your classroom management skills into leadership skills that serve your school or district.

Some of the courses you may take as an educational leadership student include:

  • Leadership for Instructional Improvement
  • Leadership for Organizational Learning
  • Leadership for Instructional Equity
  • Managing Instructional Budgets
  • Program Evaluation for Organizational Success
  • Administration of Specialized Programs

Similarly, school psychology is a specialty that involves moving out of the classroom and into a counseling office. In this program, you study education, social services, and psychology.

On your way to becoming a school psychologist, plan on taking classes

  • Principles and Techniques of Counseling
  • Personality and Counseling Theory
  • Ethical and Legal Issues
  • Program Evaluation Research Designs
  • The Exceptional Child
  • Academic Assessment
  • Cognitive Assessment
  • Tests and Measurements

As a general rule, education specialist degree Oregon programs are fast-paced and academically rigorous. That’s why they are primarily targeted to working teachers who are motivated to learn more. To succeed, you may need to learn independently, motivate yourself to work, and seek out additional learning opportunities.

This may help you when it comes to scheduling. Since most Ed.S students are employed teachers, courses may be available on weekends or in the evening. More and more schools are offering classes online. That means that you would only need to complete your practical experience in person.

Practical experience may include clinical rotations, as is the case in school psychology; student teaching; or an internship. These expectations should be clearly outlined in your curriculum.

Not only can you benefit professionally from an advanced education degree, you may find that this degree offers you additional personal fulfillment as a teacher. Your expertise may help your school provide better service to students and strengthen the teaching profession in general.

Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Oregon

After you finish your Ed.S, you may need to apply for a new teaching license through the Oregon Department of Education. As a general rule, the Oregon Department of Education requires additional license endorsements for teachers who want to teach a different age range, teach a different subject, or work in administration.

Whether you change career paths or remain in a classroom teaching position, the future of education in Oregon is bright.

Some career options are listed below with expected job growth through 2022 and the current average salary in Oregon:

  • School administrator: 12% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $96,810
    average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Instructional coordinator: 17% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $69,550average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Secondary special education teacher: 12% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $72,600average salary (BLS, 2016),/li>

Teaching is a profession that really benefits from a strong community. When you begin using your Ed.S, you may become a leader and mentor for other teachers in your community and in your subject area. Build a reputation for yourself in groups like the Oregon Education Association and the Portland Association of Teachers.

If you have current teaching experience and a Master’s degree, advanced education degrees in OR may be the key to exploring new career options. Take the first step now and request information from Oregon schools below.

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