Home Degrees Educational Specialist Nevada

Education Specialist Degrees in Nevada

Whether you are relatively new to the world of teaching or you’ve spent decades in this profession, you have probably been lucky enough to see some of the ongoing changes in the teaching community of Nevada. As Nevada’s population becomes more diverse and statewide standards become more rigorous, teachers have had to adapt, get better results with fewer resources, and make the most of whatever tools and information they have.

The ingenuity you have as a Nevada teacher may serve you well as you further your education. If you have ever considered earning an education specialist degree, NV schools may have the specialized programs you need to succeed. These programs are intensive in nature, so you can complete your degree and get right back to changing the world of teaching.

Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Nevada

An education specialist degree may give you the freedom to advance your career without having to spend half a decade earning a PhD. If you are ready for an advanced degree that can help you in your classroom-focused career, contact education specialist programs in Nevada below.

You may use your advanced knowledge of teaching to influence future change in Nevada schools. School executives and legislators are currently prioritizing equity and diversity in Nevada education, which may help more students get what they need from their teachers (Nevada Today, 2016). The practical training offered in specialist programs can help you become a better advocate for these students.

Despite growing efforts, Nevada schools still rank very well when compared to schools in other states (Nevada Business, 2016). Administrators and executives are starting to ask tough questions to promote change.

As a specialist, you may help schools graduate students who can improve the economic future of Nevada while focusing on greater cooperation between teachers and parents.

Ready to find out if you are a good fit for an education specialist program? Start contacting the programs listed below to explore your choices.

Getting Your Educational Specialist Degree in Nevada

You may be overwhelmed by the idea of returning to school, particularly if you earned your graduate degree many years ago. However, colleges and universities in Nevada aim to make it as easy as possible for you to pursue a specialist degree.

To graduate, you need to earn at least 30 credits beyond your Master’s degree. Specific credit requirements vary between specialties. You may be able to attend courses online, as most programs offer options to accommodate teachers. One of the first decisions you have to make regards which specialty you pursue.

Some Nevada Ed.S options are listed here:

  • Educational Psychology
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Educational Technology
  • English
  • Elementary Education
  • Literacy Education
  • Multicultural Education
  • Secondary Mathematics Education

As you may imagine, course requirements are quite different between specialties. For example, a program that focuses on literacy education may include the courses listed below:

  • Educational Research Methods
  • Urban Education
  • Elementary School Instruction
  • Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction
  • Content Area Literacy
  • Teaching Writing
  • Literature-Based Instruction

However, if you pursue a degree in educational technology, it’s more likely that your curriculum will include these courses:

  • Internet for Learning
  • Designing Digital Materials for Education
  • Issues and Methods in Online Learning
  • Digital Materials Studio
  • Technology and Educational Change
  • Creating Online Learning Environments

The practical experiences you gain during education depend on the learning outcomes of your school. Generally, Nevada institutions expect you to display a working knowledge of research in your specialty area, understand current practice standards in your area of emphasis, and use experience and research to come to informed decisions. You may need at least one semester of classroom student teaching experience, but you may also have to go through an internship, practicum rotations, and other experiences.

Between the traditional classes you take and the experience you get as a post-graduate student, you should be ready to use your knowledge in a positive way in your classroom, in your district, or in a new school entirely.

Some of the possible benefits that may come with this degree include better connections with students, more productive collaboration with parents, better use of classroom time, and greater achievement of learning outcomes.

Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Nevada

How you decide to use your Ed.S degree is entirely up to you, but one way or another, it may positively change the future of your career. Even if you plan on staying in the same grade level or subject area, you may find that your services are in higher demand because of your increased education. This may lead to better job security or improved income potential.

If you use your degree to move into a more challenging position, that may also change your salary scale.

Some of the main career paths for this degree are listed here with average Nevada salary information and anticipated job growth through 2022:

  • School administrator: 5% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $91,520 average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Instructional coordinator: 13% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $60,980
    average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Elementary special education teacher: 5% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $51,500 average salary (BLS, 2016)

As a working teacher, you should already be familiar with the teacher licensing process of Nevada. Keep your teaching license valid throughout your education, since you may need to change your license or add endorsements when you graduate. The Nevada Department of Education has different licenses for educational technology, early childhood, elementary school, middle school, secondary school, special education, and licensed school personnel. If you want to work in any of these roles, you need to go through the certification process again.

The Ed.S is a relatively new degree. In addition to meeting the need for more specialized teaching roles, it is meant to provide the teaching community with more leaders. To become more of a leader in your local teaching community, you may need to get involved in groups like the Nevada State Education Association and the Nevada State Science Teachers Association.

The work you do as a teacher now could help Nevada schools enjoy a brighter future. Take the first step to an advanced degree now by checking out the schools listed below.

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