Home Degrees Educational Specialist Montana

Education Specialist Degrees in Montana

There are many different paths that may have brought you to the field of teaching in Montana. Whether you are a Montana native or you came to the state to assist with its drastic teacher shortage, there’s no doubt that teachers are extremely important in Montana. With the spread-out population of this state, there may be hundreds of miles between school districts. This means that each school and each school district must have highly trained teaching professionals who can work with whatever resources they have.

If you are up to the challenge and you want to do more as a teacher, find out how an Ed.S degree may help you reach your goal.

Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Montana

As a teacher, your career may offer you something that many fields do not: the knowledge that your work directly influences the future of Montana. Request information from schools below to find out what your options are with an education specialist degree.

When you teach in Montana, it is extremely important to be culturally sensitive and aware. The state has a larger-than-average Native American population, and you should be ready to help them thrive in your classroom. The Native American Education Conference in Montana explored discrepancies in the field of education, finding out that this population has a very low percentage of college students and graduates (KRTV, 2016). Improving college attendance rates, they say, is key to ensuring the future of tribal education and tribal economic success.

Although Montana may be very different from other states, its students face many of the same social problems as students in other states. Montana parents are turning to teachers in their search for a solution to the growing bullying problem (EdWeek, 2016).

Are you ready to learn more about the opportunities that may come with an education specialist degree MT? Get in touch with the schools below to compare options.

Getting Your Educational Specialist in Montana

The first step to furthering your education is ensuring that you are a good fit for Montana education specialist degree programs. You should already have a valid teaching license in Montana, as well as a Master’s degree in education or in the subject area you teach. Quite a few schools also have professional experience requirements; for example, you may need one to three years of full-time teaching experience to be considered for acceptance.

One of the most important factors in which school you attend is program availability. While some institutions only offer advanced training in one or two areas of study, others have a wide range of options. Know exactly what you want to accomplish with your degree before accepting a place at a college or university.

Some popular specialist degree options in Montana include:

  • Educational Leadership
  • Literacy Studies
  • School Psychology
  • K-12 Librarian
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Special Education

You may earn this degree to become more of an expert in your current teaching specialty, or you may use this degree to completely change your specialty.

For example, if you choose a special education program, you may already be licensed as a special education teacher or you may work with neurotypical students. To earn an Ed.S in special education, you may take courses like:

  • Literacy Assessment, Diagnosis, and Instruction
  • Early Assessment
  • Assessment of Students with Exceptional Needs
  • Advanced Academic Interventions
  • Positive Behavior Supports
  • Special Education Law, Policy, and Practice

One of the most widely available options is educational leadership. This may be an
excellent choice for you if you are ready to leave the classroom and take on an
administrative position at a Montana school.

As an educational leadership or
administration student, you may have to take classes like:

  • Leadership and Organizational Theory
  • School Superintendency
  • Supervision and Instructional Leadership
  • Legal and Policy Studies
  • Education Policy and Politics

Education specialist programs are often commended for their accommodating schedules, which are created to meet the needs of working teachers. While taking your theory courses, you may be able to complete most of your work online. However, you do still need to meet your practical experience requirements at a local school. Requirements vary between schools and even between specialties.

With the combination of theory and practical experience offered in this type of program, you should think of yourself as a more competent teaching professional, educational researcher, and community leader.

With the education and experience you bring to the table, you may be able to have a profound impact on your school district, your students, and the teaching profession as a whole.

Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Montana

Before you finish your degree, you should have a clear plan in place for your career. This includes deciding whether or not to stay in the same school district, if you’re going to change your position in the field of education, and if you are going to work with a different population of students. All of these decisions may have an influence on your income potential and your job outlook.

Data covering average salaries and job growth through 2022 is listed here:

  • School administrator: 2% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $77,370
    average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Instructional coordinator: 9% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $54,240average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Middle school teacher: 9% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $58,350average salary (BLS, 2016

Depending on your chosen specialty area, you may need to change your license before you can make full use of your degree. The Montana Office of Public Instruction requires further licensure for teachers who want to change the grade level they teach, change the subject they teach, become administrators, or go into school counseling.

The other part of your career is leadership. Even if you never plan on working as a school principal or superintendent, your advanced degree may automatically put you at the forefront of your area of study. Take advantage of this opportunity by joining general teaching organizations and those that are unique to your subject area. A popular option is the Montana Science Teachers Association.

You never know whose life you’ll change with your teaching degree. Discover how you can take your career to the next level by contacting education specialist programs below.

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