Home Degrees Educational Specialist Missouri

Education Specialist Degrees in Missouri

Regardless of your initial goals in the field of education, you may find that they change over time. Perhaps you realize that there is still plenty for you to learn in your area of teaching, or maybe you would like to try your hand at administration or curriculum development. No matter how your vision for your career has evolved over the years, earning an education specialist degree could help you explore your options in the field of education.

With an advanced degree and a Missouri teaching license, you may find that you are prepared to meet the unique needs of Missouri students and assist them in reaching their full potential as members of society.

Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Missouri

If you are ready to devote more time to your education, keep reading to learn more about your options. Then, contact Ed.S programs to get started.

When you become an education specialist, you may improve the future of teaching in Missouri in numerous ways. In 2016, Missouri became the latest state to establish new education standards to replace Common Core (WRAL, 2016). These new benchmarks have substantially changed the fields of English and math, so an advanced degree could be particularly beneficial if you are in one of these areas.

Furthermore, legislators are doing more and more to support Missouri educators. For the 2016 budget, legislators voted on a plan that would allot millions of additional dollars to public education in Missouri (Kansas City Star, 2016).

When it comes to earning an education specialist degree, MO schools have plenty of options to consider. Reach out to the schools listed below to find out more.

Getting Your Educational Specialist in Missouri

Chances are good that you are already a working education professional if you are considering an Ed.S. In fact, this degree is generally targeted to working teachers. If you are a relatively new teacher, you may find some programs that are open to admitting you, but most Missouri Ed.S programs expect you to have a fair amount of teaching experience before you enroll.

Across the board, education specialist programs required a commitment of 30 to 40 credits beyond a Master’s degree. Degree completion times vary from school to school, but if you attend accelerated courses and take courses year-round you may graduate in about two years. The schedules for these programs are often very flexible, allowing you to take online courses, complete extra coursework in the summer, or take evening classes.

The scheduling options available to you may depend on which area of specialty you choose. Listed below are some of the popular educational specialist options available at Missouri schools:

  • Educational Administration
  • School Administration
  • Instructional Leadership
  • K-12 Literacy Education
  • K-6 Mathematics
  • Behavioral Analysis
  • School Psychology

Although one school may offer programs in a variety of teaching areas, credit requirements tend to differ quite a bit between specialties. School psychology is one of the most demanding options in terms of credit requirements, since you must combine your educational training with social science education.

As an example, look at the commonly required school psychology courses listed here:

  • Psychoeducational Differences
  • Psychology of Learning Processes
  • Quantitative Research Methods
  • Advanced Studies in Classroom and Behavior Management
  • Psychoeducational Interventions
  • Psychoeducational Assessment
  • Educational Program Evaluation

Each specialty area has its own definitive curriculum requirements. If you want to go into administration to become a vice principal, principal, or superintendent, your curriculum may include courses like:

  • Educational Research
  • Curriculum Analysis and Design
  • Instructional Program Leadership
  • School Facilities
  • Advanced School Law
  • Human Resources Administration
  • Advanced School Finance
  • School District Administration
  • Statistical Research in Education Administration

In each curriculum, you’ll also find a variety of work experience requirements. You may get experience teaching your chosen subject in the classroom, work under professionals in your area of study, or go through an internship. Since there are so many different fields covered by education specialist degrees, practical experience requirements run a wide range of options.

Not only does a program’s curriculum show you what you may learn as a student, it shows you how your new degree may benefit you as a teacher. The more information and evidence-based skills you have in your subject, the better equipped you may be to meet the needs of any students that find themselves in your classroom. This can significantly improve a student’s classroom experience, promote faith in the field of teaching, and demonstrate the value of continued education to your peers.

Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Missouri

Once you have successfully completed your education specialist degree, it is time to start applying your new knowledge to your teaching career. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education oversees licensing efforts in Missouri. These may or may not apply to you in your career. Generally, you need a new license if you are switching subject areas, changing your role in a school, or changing the population you work with in the classroom.

The path you take with your career may determine your job outlook and earning potential. Below, take a look at the list of popular Ed.S positions in Missouri, expected job growth through the year 2022, and the current average salary in this state:

  • School administrator: 4% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $95,590 average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Instructional coordinator: 9% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $53,580 average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Middle school teacher: 10% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $53,240 average salary (BLS, 2016)

As an education specialist student, you may notice that leadership is one of the main areas of focus at this level of study. This isn’t a coincidence; this credential was developed in part to increase the number of leadership professionals in the field of teaching. Consider getting involved in local teaching groups and associations, including the Missouri State Teachers Association and the Missouri National Education Association.

The next stage of your teaching career could begin right now. Commit to your continued training and growth by contacting schools below for more information on earning an educational specialist degree.

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