Education Specialist Degrees in Mississippi
Why did you first pursue an education degree? Perhaps you realize the value of educating the next generation and you understand that children are the future of Mississippi. It doesn’t matter if you teach pre-K, high school, or a grade in between, nor what subject you teach. Your contributions to the education industry are significant.
Since education is so important, it is widely studied across the country. Thanks to researchers, there is an ever-growing pool of information that teachers can use to improve their teaching techniques and materials. By earning an education specialist degree Mississippi, you can learn about the research that applies to your teaching area, develop the skills needed to use it, and take your career to the next level.
An educational specialist degree goes one step beyond a Master’s degree. With appropriate training and research, you may be able to serve as a leader in your local and statewide teaching community.
Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Mississippi
If you are invested in the future of Mississippi and you see yourself continuing your career in this area, why not make the most of it with an advanced degree? Get more information by contacting education specialist programs below.
Although Mississippi has improved its education system in many ways, there is growth that is yet to be done. With an education specialist degree, you may be able to encourage that growth. A recent report found that 15% of Mississippi third graders failed the state’s reading test (Hechinger Report, 2016). Further research indicates that this is not an error on the part of students, but an issue with the reading training given to teachers.
One of the biggest goals in Mississippi education is equality, as there are still significant gaps between socioeconomic classes, cultures, and locations. The Educator Equity Lab in Mississippi aims to fix existing equity gaps and ensure that students all have equal access to high quality education (EdWeek, 2016).
Being successful in your teaching career is all about finding the right degree program for you. Find out more with our list of programs below.
Getting Your Educational Specialist Degree in Mississippi
If you currently possess a Master’s degree in education, you may be well on your way to an Ed.S degree. Although there are programs that combine this type of program with a graduate program, the vast majority expect you to already have your graduate degree. Beyond your Master’s degree, this program requires approximately 30 to 40 credits of study.
The specific requirements you need to meet are determined by which school you select and which area of specialty you choose. Subjects that are regulated by Mississippi’s licensing board tend to require more credits. This includes subjects like school psychology, school counseling, and special education.
Some specialty areas available in Mississippi are listed below:
- Educational Leadership
- Special Education
- Elementary Curriculum and Instruction
- Secondary Education
At some schools, there are numerous program options, some of which may seem fairly similar. If you are unsure which one is right for your career goals and your previous experience, start by comparing curricula. Looking at the classes required for each program can help you quickly narrowed down your options.
For example, if you teach high school and want to further your knowledge in this area, you may take courses like:
- Educational and Psychological Statistics
- Readings and Research in Secondary Education
- Teaching and Learning
- School and Community Effectiveness
On the other hand, educational leadership deviates completely from classroom
teaching. For that reason, you may need to take more credits as an education
leadership student.
Commonly required courses are listed below:
- Basics of School Finance
- Personnel Management
- Leadership Dilemmas
- Legal Structures and Legal Issues
- Effective School Leadership
- Data-Driven Decision Making
In general, Ed.S programs only accept experienced teachers that are currently active in the field. For that reason, you may find that schedules are more flexible than they are for other postgraduate programs. With the options available in Mississippi, you may be able to earn your education specialist degree online. At these institutions, you can complete your classes online and conduct your practical experience at an approved school near you.
The applications of your advanced degree may vary according to your level of experience, your career goals, and where you attend school. Since most programs cover current research and teaching techniques, you should see greater results in your classroom, including improved information recall, critical thinking skills, and application of information. As a result, your degree may help you teach students how to think, not what to think. This can have untold benefits for the teaching community and for Mississippi as a whole.
Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Mississippi
By the time you complete your degree, you should know whether or not you have to apply for licensure through the Mississippi Board of Education. If you want to go from teaching to administration, special education, or curriculum development, you may need an entirely new license.
This choice can have a major impact on your job outlook and your income potential. Listed below are some career options, average salary data, and job outlook expectations through 2022:
- School administrator: 9% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $73,460 average salary (BLS, 2016)
- Instructional coordinator: 13% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $56,960
average salary (BLS, 2016) - Elementary special education teacher: 9% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $44,460 average salary (BLS, 2016)
As a working teacher, you should already be heavily involved in the teaching community of your state. However, if you’re not, this is the time to start joining local organizations and make a name for yourself. Both the Mississippi Association of Educators and Mississippi Professional Educators are teaching associations that advocate for teaching professionals, provide information on evidence-based practice, and aim to further the field as a whole. With your level of training, you may find that you are a leader and an inspiration for other teachers.
The continued improvement of Mississippi education is possible due to the efforts of teachers like you. Find out how you can make the most of your talents by requesting information from Ed.S programs below.