Home Degrees Educational Specialist Minnesota

Education Specialist Degrees in Minnesota

Though Minnesota is home to a variety of rural, suburban, and densely populated urban areas, state educators still ensure that children across the state enjoy access to high-quality education. Whether you’re employed by one of the city schools in Minneapolis or St. Paul, working in a smaller suburban school, or serving rural students, you offer valuable teaching experience that shapes children’s lives.

One of the benefits of choosing a career in education is the fact that you can change roles and responsibilities throughout your career. If you’re ready to take on more responsibility in your area of study, go into administration, or develop curricula, earning an education specialist degree MN could be the best move for you.

Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Minnesota

Minnesota is one of the highest performing states in the field of education. Contribute to the future of Minnesota’s teaching community by earning an education specialist degree.

Minnesota schools succeed for a number of reasons, and all of these reasons can also help you as an experienced educator. In 2016, Minnesota Comeback donated over $2.7 million to Minnesota schools (MinnPost, 2016). This money was donated to public and private schools alike, supporting teachers in their efforts to offer well-rounded, meaningful education.

This may be a particularly good time to get into the field of special education. Inclusion is sweeping the country, and Minnesota schools are following this trend. Schools are looking for new and creative ways to get special education students involved, an effort that includes sports events, adaptive music classes, and classroom assistance (Jamestown Sun, 2016).

Are you ready to learn more about advanced teaching degrees and how they can help you do more with your teaching career? Take the first step now by contacting the programs listed below.

Getting Your Educational Specialist in Minnesota

Before you start comparing different Ed.S programs in Minnesota, make sure that you know what you want to do with your advanced degree. This degree has over one dozen specialty areas available, and an education administration degree won’t help you if you want to teach special education; similarly, a special education degree won’t be beneficial if you want to develop science curricula.

Listed below are some of the Ed.S options available at Minnesota colleges and universities:

  • Education Administration
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Education of Diverse Populations
  • School Psychology

If you already have a Master’s degree in education, you may be able to complete an Ed.S after earning 30 credits. Some specialties do require further study. If you do not yet have a Master’s degree, you may need to earn 60 credits in a combined program. Many programs do not accept applicants without Master’s degrees, so you’ll need to dig for more options.

In your 30 to 40 credits, you should take courses that are highly focused to your area of study. The courses listed below are often required for education administration programs:

  • Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction Systems
  • Organization and Human Resource Management
  • Special Education and Diverse Learners
  • Student Management
  • Ethical Issues for Administrators
  • Financial Management
  • Legal Issues in Education

School psychology is one specialty that often requires more than 30 credits, with some programs nearing 50 credits. In this subject, you may take courses like:

  • Principles of Education and Psychological Measurement
  • Statistical Methods in Education
  • Special Topics in School Psychology
  • Emotion and Psychopathology
  • Advanced Research Methodologies
  • School Psychological Consultation
  • Assessment in School Psychology

In addition to your traditional courses, you have to meet the specific hands-on learning requirements of your institution. This experience may come in the form of an externship, an internship, a principalship, or student teaching.

As a working teacher, you may wonder when and how you can complete the courses you need for this degree. Quite a few colleges and universities allow you to earn your educational specialist degree online. You may choose to complete your degree on a part-time, full-time, or accelerated basis.

When you begin your post-Master’s education courses, you may quickly discover the many advantages of this degree. You get the chance to interact and work with other experienced education professionals, giving you the opportunity to network and learn from others’ experience. Additionally, the courses you take should cover the most up-to-date research in your field, providing you with techniques and theories you can use in your classroom.

Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Minnesota

When you finish your educational specialist program, you can start using it in your career. If you intend to use your degree to pursue jobs in curriculum development, administration, or media and technology, you may need to first get a new license from the Minnesota Department of Education. You may also need a new license if you want to teach a new grade level or change the subject you teach.

However, if you are staying at the same grade level and subject, you can put your new knowledge to work in your classroom. The techniques you’ve developed may help you offer more personalized teaching and assist students with particular learning needs.
Your job outlook and income potential may vary throughout the state.

Some options are listed below, along with average salary data and expected job growth through 2022:

  • School administrator: 2% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $100,870average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Instructional coordinator: 6% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $61,510
    average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Elementary special education teacher: 2% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $56810 average salary (BLS, 2016)

The more you learn and grow, the more you are expected to give back to the teaching community as a whole. This often includes taking on leadership responsibilities and providing support to teachers who are new to the field. You may want to get involved in groups like Education Minnesota, a large teaching association in this state.

You may also join groups unique to your area of study, such as the Minnesota Science Teachers Association.

Now is the time to find out what education opportunities are waiting for you. Get more information by contacting schools below.

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