Home Degrees Educational Specialist Michigan

Education Specialist Degrees in Michigan

With everything now known about child development and learning, the role of teachers is more important than it has ever been. As a teacher, you dedicate your professional life to understanding how children learn, accommodating federal and state standards, and ensuring that children feel safe and happy in your classroom.

The work you do makes you an indispensable part of the teaching community, and with additional training and education, you may find that you can offer even more to this community. An Ed.S degree in Michigan can develop your critical understanding of teaching theory and help you apply it to your individual classroom.

Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Michigan

If you possess a Master’s degree and you feel confident in your classroom, explore the list of Ed.S programs below and contact Michigan schools for more information.

Michigan lawmakers are committed to improving education, a fact that could help you advance your career. The state government has created a commission of 25 educators, policymakers, and administrators (Detroit News, 2016). This commission aims to compare Michigan to the top performing states in the country, then use that information to find solutions to common education struggles.

Another issue in Michigan education is the growing teacher shortage. Recruiters note that many schools have far fewer teachers than they need, particularly in the areas of Spanish and social studies (Detroit Free Press, 2016). With advanced education in one of these subjects, you may be able to train new teachers and find solutions to the teacher shortage.

An education specialist degree builds both your practical teaching skills and your theoretical knowledge of education. Find out how you can make the most of this opportunity by contacting Ed.S programs below.

Getting Your Educational Specialist Degree in Michigan

Devoting two or more years to your education is a big commitment, and you may want to make sure that an Ed.S degree can benefit your career before you get started. This degree builds on the knowledge obtained in a Master’s degree program. It is intended for education professionals who want to engage in rigorous study and application of research and theory.

Generally, you may find that education specialist programs are very flexible. This program is primarily targeted at working teachers, rather than new graduates. For that reason, most schools offer hybrid and online programs that can be completed on a teacher’s schedule.

You may need to contact multiple colleges and universities before finding one that is a good fit for you. While many Michigan institutions offer Ed.S degrees, there are dozens of options within the Ed.S degree. Some schools only offer one or two options, which may mean attending an online program that offers your specialty.

Below, find a list of common Ed.S options in Michigan:

  • Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education
  • Educational Leadership
  • Educational Technology
  • Special Education

While earning your Master’s degree and Bachelor’s degree, you may have taken a variety of general education courses before honing in on your specific subject or grade level. Earning a traditional or online specialist degree in education is a completely different experience. You are expected to have extensive training in education, so your program jumps right into highly focused coursework in your area of specialization. This is clear when you look at curricular requirements across specialties.

If you pursue a degree in educational leadership, you may enroll in courses like:

  • Educational Leadership, Systems, and Change
  • Advanced Systems Thinking
  • School Finance
  • Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
  • Evaluation, Research, and Management
  • School Community Relations
  • Personnel Administration

Some options focus more on classroom teaching than administration, leadership, or
curriculum development.

In a special education Ed.S program, your curriculum may
have classes like:

  • Families, Disabilities, and Schools
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Law and Public Policy for Individuals with Disabilities
  • Integrated Curriculum in Special Education
  • Principles of Educational Research
  • Models and Skills for Special Education

Each educational specialist student has their own unique reasons for pursuing this degree. You may move from a classroom teacher position into an administrative position. Many Ed.S graduates go on to become teacher educators or leaders within their districts.

Not only can this degree help you expand your career options, it may have numerous benefits for your students and your school district. Your higher level of education may allow you to take on more tasks than other teachers, which helps underfunded school districts save money. Even if you do not pursue official leadership roles with your degree, you may serve as an unofficial mentor to new teachers or those who need additional training.

Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Michigan

The next step in your career is dependent on your specialty selection. If you plan on moving from classroom teaching into teacher training, school or district administration, or curriculum development, you’ll likely need to change your teaching license through the Michigan State Board of Education.

Teaching, administrative, and curriculum jobs all have different job outlooks and salary potentials in Michigan. Common options are listed below with anticipated job outlook through 2022 and current average salary data:

  • School administrator: 170 jobs per year expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $91,210average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Instructional coordinator: 7% expected growth (O*Net, 2016); $64,380 average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Elementary special education teacher: 40 per year growth (O*Net, 2016); $62,610average salary (BLS, 2016)

As noted, educational specialist degrees aim to create efficient leaders. If you are not currently involved in the local teaching community, you may want to join relevant organizations after graduating. The Michigan Education Association is the largest teaching organization in the state. If you plan on using your degree to go into teacher training, consider joining the Michigan Association of Teacher Educators.

Taking your education to the next level can have long-term advantages for you, your community, your students, and the teaching profession as a whole. First, you have to find the right program for you.

Get started now by checking out the list of education specialist programs below, then contact schools near you for more information.

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