Home Degrees Educational Specialist Kansas

Education Specialist Degrees in Kansas

Across Kansas, there are nearly 724,000 children that are currently, or soon will be, part of the state’s education system (US Census Bureau, 2016). That’s a huge part of the future workforce in Kansas, which is one reason that teachers are some of the most important professionals in this state.

Whether you teach pre-K children, graduating seniors, or students that fall in the middle, you have an obligation to your students and to your school system. The work you do stays with children for decades, so why not make it the best work you can possibly do?

An Ed.S could take your current teaching abilities to a whole new level. Getting specialized training in your teaching area could boost your confidence as a teacher and help you do more for your students.

Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Kansas

As a teacher, you are the most important part of the education system of Kansas. Contact schools below to learn how an education specialist degree can help you do even more with your education.

This is a particularly beneficial time to become an education specialist. Funding challenges are putting a strain on Kansas schools, which means that each teacher must be able to do a little bit more with a little bit less. Because of these funding difficulties, each school may need to adjust in different ways (Kansas City, 2016).

Depending on your area of specialty, your education specialist degree KS may help your school make the most of its teaching needs. Kansas City schools recently received a $50,000 grant to come up with innovative local learning experiences and programs to establish a creative workforce (Startland News, 2016). No matter which grade level you teach, the state of Kansas is looking to teachers to teach students creativity, problem-solving skills, and valuable work skills.

Not only can an advanced degree help you find fulfillment in your career, it can change the lives of the students you teach. Take the first step now and contact education specialist programs below.

Getting Your Educational Specialist Degree in Kansas

There are two routes you can follow to get this degree in Kansas. First, if you have a Bachelor’s degree in teaching, you may attend a combined Master’s degrees/education specialist program. This option typically includes about 60 credits and requires three to four years of education. If you already have a Master’s degree, you may be able to earn your education specialist degree in as little as two years. The standalone degree usually includes approximately 30 credits.

If you choose the second option, you may be able to attend classes online. These degrees are typically designed for working teachers, so they are meant to be flexible. With the exception of student teaching hours and internship requirements, programs may allow you to complete your education specialist degree online.

Choosing the proper specialty is key to building the career you want. Each school has a variety of Ed.S options. Listed below, find some of the common Ed.S options in Kansas:

  • Mental Health Counseling
  • School Counseling
  • Language and Literacy
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Beginning Principal
  • Advanced Principal
  • District-Level Administration

If you’re not sure which specialty is right for you, compare their curricular requirements. This is a fast-paced program, so there is only enough time for highly specific, relevant courses.

If you go into school counseling, your curriculum may include courses like:

  • Foundation of Elementary and Secondary School Guidance
  • School Guidance Programs
  • Teaching Methods and Practices
  • Organization and Administration of Counseling Programs
  • Strategies for Effective Classroom Management

Academic specialties tend to focus more on teaching, teaching techniques, and
classroom applications.

For example, listed below are some of the courses that may be
required in a literacy and language Ed.S program:

  • Content Area Reading and Language Development
  • Early Literacy and Language Development
  • Classroom Assessment and Intervention
  • Reading Assessment and Evaluation
  • Reading Improvement
  • Organizing and Guiding the Reading Program

No matter how long you’ve been teaching, you still need the chance to put your new skills and techniques into practice. For that reason, be ready to spend a significant amount of time gaining practical experience. In a field like school counseling or school administration, this may mean working in an entirely new educational setting. If you choose an academic area, you may simply complete a required student teaching program.

As you work through this course, you should build on the knowledge you have as a Master’s-level education professional. Courses you take should expand your theoretical understanding of children, how children learn, how different teaching techniques reach students, and how you can use teaching techniques in your specific subject area. Since your cohort will likely include other working classroom teachers, you may get the chance to learn from them and their classroom experience.

This degree can yield many positive results. You may find that you are more comfortable working with students of different needs, which allows them to enjoy a more fruitful learning experience. In addition, your up-to-date knowledge of education research and data may make you a more effective communicator with students, parents, peers, and administrators. Your increased professionalism and knowledge can strengthen the entire field of teaching.

Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Kansas

While you are working on your education specialist degree, check with the Kansas State Department of Education to find out if you need to change or upgrade your teaching license. If you plan on switching subject areas or grade levels, you may need to change your certification. If you are changing career paths entirely, you’ll likely need a new certification.

Clearly, this depends on how you want to use your degree. Some of the most popular career paths are listed below, along with expected job growth through 2022 and average salary information:

  • School administrator: 9% expected growth; $83,860 average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Instructional coordinator: 16% expected growth; $52,960 average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Elementary special education teacher: 9% expected growth; $54,380 average salary (BLS, 2016)

With this degree, you may find that you have the confidence and knowledge needed to become a leader in the field of education. Become more active in groups like the Kansas National Education Association and the Kansas Association of American Educators to learn more about leadership opportunities in your area.

You have the chance to change your community with your career. Make the most of this chance and contact schools below to learn more about becoming an education specialist.

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