Home Degrees Educational Specialist Iowa

Education Specialist Degrees in Iowa

Iowa education doesn’t just affect the state’s children. The education that children get now can impact everyone in Iowa for years to come, not to mention the ways that one state’s education system can influence the country as a whole.

As a teacher, you are dedicated to providing your students with a tailored, evidence-based education experience every day. The skills you have as a Bachelor’s or Master’s educated professional are valuable, but an Ed.S in Iowa could help you create even more positive changes in your classroom. This degree aspires to make you an expert in your chosen area of teaching, whether you’re interested in special education, a specific subject area, or a particular learning situation that affects students.

Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Iowa

If you’re curious about the benefits of earning an Ed.S degree, why not find out more about your options? With our list of education specialist degree IA programs below, you can find out more right away.

Education is one field that changes consistently every legislative year. Iowa legislators approved a budget that allowed a 2.25% increase in education funding for 2016 (Des Moines Register, 2016).

Experts worry that this small increase may lead to overcrowded, underfunded classrooms. This is just one reason that it’s crucial for every teacher to be as indispensable as possible in the classroom.

In light of the Every Student Succeeds Act, the state government has been running forums for struggling Iowa schools (Des Moines Register, 2016). These schools need to be up to standards to avoid losing federal funding. Many believe that the most important component of a successful school is its teachers, giving you another reason to consider an advanced degree.

Educational specialist programs are designed for working teachers, so you may be able to keep your current workload and paycheck while earning your degree. Learn more about the benefits of this degree by contacting schools below.

Getting Your Educational Specialist Degree in Iowa

It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes an even larger village to educate hundreds of children. That’s why there are so many diverse options for teachers who want to become specialized in one area or another.

Listed below are some of the most common specialty options in Iowa:

  • School Curriculum and Assessment Policy
  • Educational Leadership
  • Superintendent

The specialty you choose is the deciding factor in which courses you take and what type of practical experience you get.

If you go into a superintendent or administration program, you may gain the necessary skills and knowledge in classes like:

  • Superintendency
  • School Law for Administrators
  • Problem Resolution in Educational Organizations
  • School Improvement Planning
  • School and Community Relations

To compare, look at the classes commonly required for school curriculum and
assessment policy students:

  • Standards-Based Education and Accountability
  • Politics and Policy of School Leadership
  • Analysis and Appraisal of Curriculum
  • Qualitative Methods in Literacy Research
  • Educational Measurement and Evaluation

As a student in a superintendent program, you need to learn how to use your teaching experience to become a competent, efficient principal or superintendent. Because of this, you may need to get several semesters of practical work experience. For many programs, this involves a principalship and an internship. If you pursue a specialty that will keep you in the classroom as a teacher, your practical experience requirements may be much less demanding.

To figure out how much time it takes to earn this degree, look at how much previous education you have. Some programs combine a Master’s in education with an education specialist degree, resulting in a total of 65 to 75 credits. Other programs are only open to teachers who already have a Master’s degree in education. These types of programs are typically limited to 30 or 40 credits.

If you select a combined Master’s and Ed.S program, you may need to take courses during the day, as these programs are generally not marketed to working teachers. On the other hand, education specialist programs tend to have more online, weekend, and evening courses for employed teachers. This keeps the degree accessible to teachers who cannot lose their income while going back to school.

Your devotion to education may pay off in many different ways. The teaching community benefits from teachers who stay up-to-date on current trends, teaching research and literature, and standards. The quality of work you bring to your classroom may drive overall teaching standards higher and encourage other teachers to advance their education. Since this degree may help your students get more from their classroom time, it should make you feel more confident about your role as a teacher.

Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Iowa

After you complete your degree, you may need to change or add to your current teaching license. The Iowa Board of Educational Examiners tends to require additional licensing for teachers who are switching grade levels, subject areas, or career paths.

Your income potential depends on what type of specialty you select and how you use it in your career. The list below includes common job choices for Ed.S graduates, average salary information, and expected job growth between 2012 and 2022:

  • School administrator: 5% expected growth; $97,260 average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Instructional coordinator: 13% growth; $60,020 average salary (BLS, 2016)
  • Elementary school teacher: 12% growth; $53,030 average salary (BLS, 2016)

Another goal of this degree program is to increase the amount of leaders in the teaching community. You can start to build your reputation and become a leader by joining groups like the Iowa State Education Association and Professional Educators of Iowa.

Education has never been more important, thanks to the rapid advancement of educational technology and evidence-based standards in classrooms. Take a look at the list of Iowa education specialist programs below and contact schools to discuss your degree options.

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