Home Degrees Educational Specialist Idaho

Education Specialist Degrees in Idaho

Education Specialist Degrees in Idaho

Within the educational system of Idaho, there are thousands of professionals who keep schools working and improving every single day. No matter how long you have been a teacher, this realization may define your career. Whether you love the work you are currently doing as a classroom teacher or you have been considering different ways to advance your career in education, you may discover that an education specialist degree can propel you forward, helping you grow professionally and personally. This degree takes your Master’s degree education a little bit further, tailoring your training and education to the subject you specialize in and the type of classroom you work in.

Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Idaho

Teachers with specialized education training fill an important role in Idaho. Discover the different options available to you and which programs are a good fit by contacting Idaho education specialist schools.

In recent years, Idaho has made great strides in the improvement of its education system. This work has brought together legislators, school leaders, teachers, and students. As a result, Idaho high school students lead the nation in pursuing postsecondary education (Idaho Statesman, 2016). During the 2014-2015 school year, students earned over 100,000 credits in dual credit programs. When you specialize in your area of study, you can help keep this momentum going and give students a shot at a bright future.

One of the top priorities in Idaho education, according to a legislator and representative, is literacy (Idaho EdNews, 2016). Legislators have initiated a push to have all third grade students reading at grade level in coming years. In turn, the state has budgeted $10.7 million for a literacy initiative for students in kindergarten through third grade, indicating that this may be an excellent time to look into becoming a literacy specialist.

Ready to change Idaho education? Explore your passion for teaching now and request more information from programs below.

Getting Your Educational Specialist Degree in Idaho

To earn this degree, you should be ready to tackle a number of goals. Of course, the primary goal is to become an expert in your teaching area and know how to effectively meet the needs of your students. However, this degree was also developed because of the need for leaders in the education community. As you grow throughout your education, you should feel more confident about speaking up, serving as a mentor, and using your training to guide your peers. Not only should you learn how to be a better teacher as a result of this program, you should learn how to be a competent leader.

This is a postgraduate degree, so you must have both a valid teaching license and a Master’s degree in education from an accredited institution. This degree is fairly similar to a Master’s degree in that it generally includes between 30 and 40 credits. However, it is much more specific to your area of study and the experience you’ve gained in the classroom.

One of the important considerations as you choose a school is whether or not it offers your area of specialty. It is crucial to choose a program that fits with your prior education and your future goals. Available areas of study in Idaho include:

  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Educational Leadership
  • School Psychology
  • Director of Special Education
  • Superintendent

To get a feel for what each educational specialist degree entails, spend some time looking over the curricula. Your curriculum should outline the classroom courses you must complete, as well as your practical experience courses. As an educational leadership student, you may enroll in courses like:

  • Educational Leadership in a Global Society
  • Bargaining/Mediation/Arbitration
  • Advanced School Finance
  • School Community Relations
  • Theory in Educational Administration

If you specialize in special education leadership, you may look forward to courses like:

  • Legal and Financial Issues in Education
  • Instructional Supervision and Leadership
  • Special Education and Related Services
  • Special Education Policies and Procedures
  • Curriculum, Assessment, and Collaboration
  • Administering Human Resources

Practical experience differs between schools and programs. If you choose a degree that focuses on a classroom subject or age group, your experience may involve working in the classroom for one or two semesters. On the other hand, if your degree involves leadership or management, you may have one semester of principalship work, an internship, or a practicum.

Upon completion of your degree, you should feel confident about taking your knowledge to the classroom. You may be ready to address challenging classroom issues, teach certain topics in an innovative way, or work more efficiently as part of a team with your peers. The education system as a whole benefits from teachers like you who are willing to keep learning and growing professionally, so your new degree may actually inspire change in your school district.

Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Idaho

Ed.S programs may give you the qualifications you need to change career paths or simply work more efficiently in your current career. Either way, you may find that continuing your education can increase your earning potential and your demand as an education professional.

Take a look at the list of careers below to learn about average salaries in Idaho and expected job growth rates through 2022:

  • School administrator: 7% expected growth; $76,100 average salary (O*Net, 2016)
  • Instructional coordinator: 13% expected growth; $54,600 average salary (O*Net, 2016)
  • Special education teacher: 8% expected growth; $44,700 average salary (O*Net, 2016)

It’s crucial to fully utilize your degree by networking and making yourself known in the teaching community. Look into joining general education groups like the Idaho Education Association, in addition to more specialized groups like the Idaho Science Teachers Association.

You may need a new or upgraded license if you are switching career paths. Administrators, special education teachers, and bilingual teachers, amongst others, must seek certification through the Idaho State Board of Education.

By improving your own education, you give your students the chance to learn as much as possible from you. Your students may go on to become the next leaders, legislators, scientists, and teachers of Idaho. Take the first step now by contacting education specialist programs in Idaho.

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