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Education Specialist Degrees in Florida

Education Specialist Degrees in Florida

When you look at education in Florida, it may be difficult to narrow down the state’s teaching needs and long-term goals. Since Florida is such a large state, the area as a whole reflects many diverse, and often contradictory, goals. Through your work as a Florida teacher, you can work specifically on the needs and challenges of your district to help your students thrive.

Ongoing training is a key component in a teacher’s success, which is why states like Florida require continuing competency credits. However, you can build your career even more by working toward additional degrees and certifications. Ed.S programs in Florida aim to endow teachers in different subject areas and grade levels with the skills they need to reach state and federal goals.

Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Florida

If you have ever wished that you could have a bigger influence on Florida education, this is one way to get started. Reach out to Ed.S degree programs below to find out how this degree may help you.

There’s no doubt that education is a huge industry in Florida. In 2016, legislators approved a $458 million increase in the education budget (News 4 Jax, 2016). This means that, in 2016, Florida’s education system reached its highest funding point ever. With that increase in funds, legislators expect to see a significant improvement in student outcomes and teacher success.

Legislators have many ways they hope to use this funding. A huge 2016 bill introduced open enrollment options, allocated funding to various at-need districts, and determined the highest priorities in the state’s education system (Miami Herald, 2016). Regardless of which subject you teach, additional training and education may put you in a position to be part of positive change in Florida.

These programs are designed with working teachers in mind, so even if you spend 40 hours per week or more in the classroom, this is an option to consider. Contact education specialist degree programs for more information.

Getting Your Educational Specialist Degree in Florida

Before evaluating different schools and programs in Florida, take some time to think about what you want to do with an education specialist degree. These programs are highly specialized, giving you the freedom to focus on the grade level, subject matter, or teaching theories that are most relevant to your career.

If you want to transition away from a classroom setting, you may look into options like educational technology or school administration. If you think you could be more efficient in your classroom, you can look for programs in your current subject area.

The list below includes some of the main options you encounter at Florida colleges and universities:

  • Educational Technology
  • Bilingual Education
  • Mathematics Education
  • Reading Education
  • Teaching Leadership
  • Educational Leadership
  • Curriculum and Instruction

Each area of study has its own requirements, both in terms of coursework and credits. On the low end, some programs only require 30 credits. Some of the more rigorous programs require over 40 credits. If you enroll in an accelerated Ed.S program, you may graduate in as little as two years.

Curriculum requirements make the differences between subjects very clear. Your curriculum should include challenging, relevant courses that really push you to grow as a teacher. In a curriculum and instruction program, you may find courses like:

  • Foundations of Research in Curriculum and Instruction
  • Education and American Culture
  • Teaching Learning and Socialization in Poverty Schools
  • Critical Leadership for Equity
  • Issues in School Reform

A degree that concentrates on reading education and instruction may require courses like:

  • Secondary Reading
  • Classroom Reading Assessment
  • Trends in Reading
  • Foundations of Literacy
  • Understanding Reading Difficulties
  • Language Acquisition
  • Language and Inquiry
  • Literacy, Family, and Culture
  • Literacy and Technology
  • Cognitive Psychology of Reading

You may wonder about practical experience, particularly if you are currently employed as a teacher. In general, school districts tend to be flexible with teachers who are furthering their education, due to the positive effect it can have on the district as a whole. You may be required to complete between one and three semesters of student teaching, internships, and fieldwork. Depending on where you currently work, you may even be able to get some of your experience at your place of employment.

Each Ed.S student has their own reasons for pursuing this degree. Perhaps you work with many students with special needs, and you want additional insight into their challenges and skills that can help you overcome them. Maybe you are ready to change career paths and explore management, technology, or media in schools.

Perhaps you simply know that education is always changing and you want to stay on top of the latest evidence-based teaching techniques and skills.

Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Florida

With a specialist degree in education, you should be ready to step into a leadership role in your school district and teaching community. The advanced knowledge and experience you bring to the table can make you an excellent asset for new and inexperienced teachers.

Furthermore, your dedication to your ongoing education may encourage other teaching professionals to continue learning. Joining local organizations and associations is one way to start building your leadership potential and your professional network. Some local options include the Florida Education Association, the Florida Art Education Association, and the Florida Music Education Association.

Upon graduating, you may need to apply for more license endorsements. The Florida Department of Education allows you to add endorsements to your license if you want to teach different grade levels, new subjects, or exceptional student programs.

Of course, the future of your career and your earning potential are influenced by many factors. However, average salary and job outlook data can give you an overview of what to expect.

Some education careers are listed here with anticipated job growth through 2022 and average salary information:

  • School administrator: 15% expected growth; $89,800 average salary (O*Net, 2016)
  • Instructional coordinator: 20% expected growth; $53,700 average salary (O*Net, 2016)
  • Elementary school teacher: 22% expected growth; $45,600 average salary (O*Net, 2016)

If you’re passionate about education and ready to find out how far you can take your career, it all starts right here. Request information from education specialist programs to get started.

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