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Education Specialist Degrees in Arizona

Education Specialist Degrees in Arizona

Educators in Arizona today must be ready to face the changing landscape of American education. From students who are trying to master subject areas and English as a learned language to a system that bases teachers’ performance on test scores, special expertise is required to truly thrive in an Arizona classroom.

An education specialist degree could be the next step in your teaching career. Whether you want to become a more efficient teacher or switch your focus to administration, curriculum development, or leadership, this certification may elevate you to a leadership status in the teaching community.

Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Arizona

Are you ready to learn more about your chosen area of teaching and find out how to make full use of your teaching skills? Contact education specialist degree Arizona programs below to learn more about your options.

The advanced training you pursue with this degree may show you how to handle complicated issues and decisions in the education system. In Arizona, due to teaching laws and budgetary constraints, it is often difficult to organize school budgets and allot money to classroom supplies (KJZZ, 2016). Learning new, creative teaching methods can assist you use what you have to its full potential.

This is the ideal time to focus on education in Arizona. According to AZ Central, 75% of CEOs believe that strengthening K-12 education is the most important goal in this state (2016).

Progress is increasingly important in this industry, which means that highly educated and experienced teachers are in demand. The newly developed Arizona Education Progress Meter tracks the progress of schools throughout the state on a variety of scales (KTAR, 2016).
Discover how a specialist degree in education could transform your career—request information from Arizona programs below.

Getting Your Educational Specialist Degree in Arizona

Program requirements vary between schools and specialties, due to the significant difference in demands for each specialty. For example, an Ed.S in school psychology is a big change from teaching, so it may require more training. However, specialist degrees in different subject areas may require considerably less training. Across Arizona, most programs require 30 to 40 credits.

Succeeding at this degree level involves thriving in a number of areas. You can explore the specific expectations of each program. Some of the areas that are emphasized in many schools include:

  • The use of data-based decision making processes in the classroom
  • Consultation and collaboration with other education professionals
  • Proper use of interventions and instructional supports
  • Instruction that meets students’ mental health needs
  • Promotion of learning and diversity in learning
  • Enabling collaboration between school and family

Within each specialty, there may be additional areas of competency. In Arizona, some Ed.S. subject options include:

  • Educational leadership
  • School psychology
  • Curriculum and instruction
  • Administration and supervision

The differences between the subject areas are clear if you spend some time exploring each program’s curricular requirements. Since this degree expects Master’s-level competency in teaching theories and skills, little time is spent on general concepts. The majority of study time is spent on directly relevant specialized courses.

The following courses are often part of a school psychology curriculum:

  • Cognitive Assessment
  • Educational and Psychological Assessment of Children
  • Professional Standards, Ethics, and Issues in School Psychology
  • Early Childhood Assessment and Intervention
  • Child Psychotherapy
  • Behavior Modification in Schools

Many of these courses involve quite a bit of independent, self-guided work, as this degree program is intended for motivated, working teachers. Due to the design of this degree, you may be able to finish your coursework online. Earning your Ed.S degree online may allow you to fit your work into a schedule that includes family, teaching obligations, and other responsibilities.

However, there is one part of your education that cannot be finished online. Fieldwork hours or student teaching rotations are an integral part of becoming an education specialist. Each school handles this process in its own way. You may meet your hours requirement by completing a certain number of hours each semester or you may complete them all at once toward the end of your degree.

There are a number of reasons you may choose this educational path. An Ed.S degree takes much less time than a PhD but still provides up-to-date, useful research and techniques for your area of teaching. It takes the experience you’ve accumulated as a teacher and uses it to expand your knowledge base, helping you develop the skills that may put you in a better position to effectively reach future students.

Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Arizona

One of the core values of the Ed.S degree is leadership. Even if you plan on remaining in your current position after finishing your Ed.S, you should be ready to answer the call for leaders in the world of teaching. This may involve mentoring other teachers, encouraging other teaching professionals to pursue higher levels of education, and becoming active in local and national organizations. You may want to join organizations that relate to your area of concentration, such as the Arizona Art Education Association. Larger groups, like the Arizona Education Association, may give you the opportunity to influence future change in this industry.

Your career path is dependent on the area of specialty you choose. Listed below are some of the most popular positions in Arizona with their average salaries and anticipated job growth through 2022:

  • Education administrator: 15% expected job growth; $75,700 average salary (O*Net, 2016)
  • Instructional coordinator: 19% expected job growth; $51,100 average salary (O*Net, 2016)
  • Elementary teacher: 23% expected job growth; $40,600 average salary (O*Net, 2016)

If you attend an administration program, you may qualify to get a school administrator license from the Arizona Department of Education. There are different certifications for principals, superintendents, and supervisors.

The dedication you show to your students is admirable. With an education specialist degree, you may be able to increase your positive, meaningful role in your school system. Find the right program for you by requesting information from Arizona schools below.

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