Home Degrees Educational Specialist Alabama

Education Specialist Degrees in Alabama

Education Specialist Degrees in Alabama

While some career paths may attract people who are interested in high income potential, security, or flexibility, teaching is a field that tends to bring in people who are truly passionate about and dedicated to the education of children.

An education specialist degree may provide you the chance to take your education to the next level, and in turn, do even more for your students and for your school.

An education specialist degree is one step beyond a Master’s degree; it is considerably shorter than a PhD program. In addition to providing extensive classroom skills and theory, it also addresses the need for an understanding of education as a profession. In this type of program, you may be able to specialize in different areas, including administration, curriculum development, instruction, and various age groups.

Role of Educators With An Ed.S Degree in Alabama

If you are ready to affect greater change in Alabama education, use your Master’s degree to take the next step. Contact Ed.S degree programs to learn more.

With education going through a huge overhaul around the United States, specialists in various areas of instruction are in high demand. The most recent education budget for the state of Alabama approved a 4% raise for teachers and prioritized the hiring and retention of teachers, particularly those who specialize in middle and high school instruction (AL.com, 2016).

If your teaching interests fit a specific need in Alabama, this degree could help you qualify for more positions. One county in Alabama recently received a grant of $75,000 for its arts programs (Andalusia Star News, 2016). School officials indicate that curricular specialists are responsible for determining areas of need in this program and finding ways to effectively use this grant.

Education specialist programs, put simply, empower teachers who love what they do to give students a better start in life.

At Alabama schools that received failing scores on a national assessment, teachers remained for the sake of their students (Education Week, 2016). As a result of their hard work, the school received more funding and was able to hire more curriculum specialists.

If you’re ready to explore your potential in this field, take a look at our list of education degrees in AL below to learn more.

Getting Your Educational Specialist Degree in Alabama

A specialist degree in education is a competitive, rigorous degree that demands strong teaching skills, a thorough grasp of educational theory, and dedication to the industry.

To that end, know that many programs at this level have strict admissions requirements. You must have a Master’s degree in education, as well as a valid teaching license in the state of Alabama. Admissions specialists may look at recommendations from school administrators, other teachers, and district leaders to determine your leadership capabilities. Regardless of the specialty you select, leadership is a huge emphasis in this type of program.

There are many Alabama schools that have these programs, so you may have several options for your area of specialty. Program requirements range from 33 to 39 credits, varying between schools and even between specialties.

Some of the education specialties available in Alabama include:

  • Educational Administration
  • Special Education (at elementary, middle, and high school levels)
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Elementary Education

The courses that make up your Ed.S curriculum should relate directly to your area of concentration. For example, the following courses are commonly required for those who specialize in educational administration:

  • Advanced School Personnel
  • School-Based Administration
  • Mentoring in Administration
  • Advanced Curriculum Development
  • Advanced Educational Psychology

On the other hand, you may enroll in courses like those listed below if you decide to study early childhood education:

  • Curriculum Design
  • Leadership for Enhanced Student Achievement
  • Best Practices in Language Arts
  • Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood Programs
  • Family, Community, and School Dynamics
  • Current Practices in Early Childhood Environments

Fieldwork is generally required in any educational specialist program. On average, Alabama colleges and universities require two full semesters of fieldwork. Since these programs are often created for existing education professionals, you may be able to complete your fieldwork at your current school.

One benefit of this degree is its flexibility in scheduling. Since it is intended to attract current teachers, there are many options in terms of course schedules. Programs that require in-person attendance typically run on weekends or in the evening. There are also many schools that allow you to earn your Alabama Ed.S degree online.

By the time you graduate with an education specialist degree, you should have honed your skills in educational leadership, critical thinking, and student instruction. With a comprehensive understanding of the research, theories, and goals of your area of concentration, you may be able to function not solely as a teacher in your school, but as a leader of the statewide teaching community.

Clearly, earning a degree in the field you love may help you feel more fulfilled and empower you in your day-to-day work. However, your commitment to your education may also extend to your students, fellow teachers, and the community. Your deeper understanding of student issues and needs may help you tailor your teaching methods to each person in your classroom, which can lead to better student outcomes.

The success you achieve as an education specialist may encourage other Alabama teachers to take this step, strengthening the entire field of education.

After contacting education specialist programs in Alabama, you should have the information you need to decide what the right move is for your career and classroom.

Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Alabama

Committing to this degree can impact you in a number of ways. If you are dedicated to the success of your students and the improvement of the system in general, earning this degree may make you feel confident that you are doing your part to advance Alabama education.

Furthermore, an education specialist degree may give you the chance to explore job opportunities outside the classroom. While many teachers use this degree to grow in their role as a classroom teacher, others choose to become department leaders, school principals, curriculum developers, and educational advisors. The knowledge and experience you get in various areas of education can build up the field as a whole, paving the way to improved results.

This advanced degree may put you in new positions or increase your earning potential in your current role. Listed below are common Ed.S career paths with their expected job growth through 2022 and average salary:

  • Education administrator: 5% expected job growth; $79,900 annual salary (O*Net, 2016)
  • Middle school special education teacher: 5% expected job growth; $50,700 annual salary (O*Net, 2016)
  • Kindergarten teacher: 12% expected job growth; $48,800 annual salary (O*Net, 2016)

Through your work, you may participate in local groups and events. Major organizations for education specialists in Alabama include the Alabama Association for Gifted Children and the Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools.

The schools listed below could be the key to taking your career to the next level. Request information from Alabama education specialist programs today.

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