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Doctorate in Education Degrees in West Virginia

If you want to make a greater impact in the field of education, earning your Ed.D. can be a logical step. EducationDegree.com can help connect West Virginia students with education programs that can increase their qualifications in the field. Use our featured program listings below to request more information from accredited colleges. We recommend contacting multiple schools to be sure you choose the right program.

Right now, the West Virginia Department of Education is implementing the Teach 21 program to help teachers apply 21st-century instructional methods and technology in the classroom. It is based on the idea of bringing the standards of education into the 21st century. That includes content, learning skills and educational technology. An innovative idea like Teach 21 is the type of change you can help to inspire if you have an Ed.D.

Earning Your Ed.D. in West Virginia

Doctorate of education programs can focus on a number of areas. Some doctorate programs offered by West Virginia universities include educational leadership, curriculum design, educational psychology, higher education administration and special education.

If you choose curriculum design your studies will focus on researching theories to help enhance the way a lesson plan is developed. Areas of research for this program include curriculum study, social theories and information technology. You may also delve deeper into a subject of focus including gender, technology and evaluation. Another part of the program is developing your ability to collaborate with other educators. Hence, you will not only be able to perform research but also effectively distribute your findings.

Educational leadership focuses on administration. It is divided into coursework and research under the guidance of a mentor. You can research theories on leadership, policy, instructional design, literacy and inquiry. Along the way you will also work on qualitative and quantitative research methods. Hands-on experience is offered with the opportunity to design lesson plans and actually implement them in the classroom—also giving you the opportunity to monitor the results—but the key is to be able to analyze and revise what you see. All programs close out with a dissertation.

Career Outlook for Graduates in West Virginia

The positions that will open up for you with an Ed.D. in West Virginia will depend on what program you completed. Generally, you can continue to work at a university to perform research. Then, your findings could be implemented at local public schools. More so, you could also fill administrative positions. If you entered the instructional design program, then you can help design and develop information technology for the classroom. The tools you design will be influenced by student and teacher needs. The salary range for these positions can start out as low as $60,000, or they can be as high as $150,000. The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the annual mean salary for postsecondary administrators in West Virginia as $84,290 in 2012.

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