Home Degrees Doctorate Mississippi

Doctorate in Education Degrees in Mississippi

If you want to qualify for the top positions in the field of education, consider earning your Ed.D. from an accredited university. With a doctorate in education, you can make an impact on curriculum, policy and administration, and serve as a leader in your organization. EducationDegree.com can help you take the next step in your career. Review our featured school listings below to compare accredited Ph.D. and Ed.D. programs. We make it simple for you to contact several schools to make sure you choose the right one.

Earning Your Ed.D. in Mississippi

Many Mississippi universities offer both campus-based and online doctorate in education programs. In addition to a wide array of colleges to choose from, prospective doctoral students also have an array of specializations available for study. Common focuses among the Ph.D. and Ed.D programs in Mississippi include:

  • Educational Administration
  • Elementary Education
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Special Education
  • And many more

Admissions standards vary from program to program. For example, students in the doctor of education program at Mississippi University can enter the program with just a master’s degree, but must complete a specialist degree within the program before moving on to doctorate-level courses. On the other hand, at the University of Mississippi, students must have a master’s degree and a minimum of two years’ full-time experience.

Career Outlook for Graduates in Mississippi

Earning your doctorate in education will provide you with many career opportunities. With an Ed.D. or Ph.D. in education, you will be well-prepared to fill administration roles in K-12 schools or research positions at higher education institutions. Many doctoral degree holders will decide to work directly in the postsecondary classroom at the college or university level. Those who choose the academic administrator route might work directly for the Mississippi Department of Education, for specific academic institutes or for a particular school district within the state.

The state of Mississippi also has a demand for corporate trainers and curriculum developers. This career path involves crafting employee training manuals and developing the curriculum for safety seminars or new technology implementation. Just a few of the large businesses located in Mississippi include Mav6, Camgian Microsystems and Security Card Services.

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