Home Degrees Doctorate Louisiana

Doctorate in Education Degrees in Louisiana

A vibrant Southern state with a colorful past, teaching in any of the parishes of Louisiana offers the opportunity to interact with a diverse population and help guide students. Choosing to earn your doctorate in education from one of several Louisiana universities can also move you beyond the classroom, offering opportunities in different industries, or in education administration and leadership in the state’s school system.

Earning Your Ed.D. in Louisiana

You can earn your doctorate in education at a number of Louisiana universities. Degree types offered include Ph.D. (doctorate of philosophy in education), Ed.D. (doctorate in education) and Ed.S. (education specialist), and include focuses such as:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Math Education
  • Educational Research Methodology
  • Higher Education Administration
  • Special Education
  • And many more

Enrolling in a doctoral program in Louisiana usually requires that the applicant has already been awarded a master’s degree. Early study will generally include advanced coursework, and by the second year a student will start to engage in heavy research related to a dissertation. As with all doctoral programs, most Louisiana universities require candidates to submit a dissertation at the conclusion of study. An advanced degree in education may be earned in as little as three years; however, some specialized degrees in education may require several additional years of study.

Career Outlook for Graduates in Louisiana

Earning an advanced degree in education will help qualify you for positions such as curriculum specialist, master teacher, professor, and education program coordinators, among other jobs. The annual mean wage of postsecondary education administrators in Louisiana in 2012 was $94,450. On a city-specific level, postsecondary education administrators ranked among the state’s top 20 highest paying occupations in the Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Monroe metro areas, according to the Louisiana Occupational Employment Wage Survey.

The Louisiana Department of Education lists job vacancies on its websites. An Ed.D. makes it much easier to obtain employment at the college level as a teacher, and is also a gateway to work at the administration level. These educational employment options offer higher salaries statewide, and students awarded an Ed.D. may also work outside the education sector in any industry where instruction or teaching is required.

As you search for the right doctorate in education program, we recommend contacting multiple schools so you can compare programs.

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