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North Carolina Bachelor’s in Education Programs

Interested in becoming a teacher in North Carolina? As an educator in the Old North State, you may experience numerous opportunities in the private and public education community. With a Bachelor’s in education, you can enjoy a professional career as a valued and respected teacher in North Carolina, helping to shape the future of communities.

At EducationDegree.com, we want to help you connect with the right Bachelor’s in education program. That’s why we maintain a comprehensive directory of quality listings from North Carolina universities that help students succeed. Take some time to learn more about teaching opportunities and career outlook. Explore the featured listings on this page, then contact a couple of schools to learn more. As a general rule, we recommend contacting multiple schools so you can compare programs and find the right one for you!

Earning Your Bachelor’s in Education in North Carolina

Becoming a teacher in North Carolina begins with earning your Bachelor’s in education. Your course curriculum may include general courses that serve as introductions to philosophy and the humanities; these will help you develop core values of distinction and provide a well-rounded education upon which to further your studies. In addition, you will be required to choose an area of instruction or degree concentration that you wish to be certified in. North Carolina provides a multitude of challenging and rewarding areas of teacher certifications, including:

  • Elementary School Education
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Special Education
  • Secondary School

Your core courses are typically concentrated in your selected degree concentration. You may also declare a major in your curriculum to prepare for your certification and teaching credentials. In addition to completing a Bachelor’s in education program, prospective teachers typically are required to complete a teaching practicum and a teacher preparation program designed for obtaining your credentials. Graduates can work as a full-time teacher while completing the testing, coursework and fieldwork required for your teaching licensure.

Outlook for Teachers in North Carolina

The state of North Carolina has high standards for its educators. Durham, North Carolina, even made Forbes magazine’s list of top 20 places to educate your child. North Carolina needs high-quality educators, especially in specific fields like STEM education (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The need for teachers in North Carolina can also be geographically based. According to Education Week, North Carolina has developed a new scholarship program to combat the challenge of recruiting teacher to rural districts in eastern North Carolina, an area where it has traditionally been difficult to attract teachers.

Other areas of North Carolina provide promising employment for new teachers, however. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, many of North Carolina’s nonmetropolitan areas offer high levels of employment for preschool, elementary school and middle school teachers. The state also offers competitive pay for different positions. In 2012, the annual mean wage of popular teaching jobs included:

  • $43,140 for elementary school teachers
  • $44,400 for secondary school teachers
  • $42,060 for middle school teachers
  • $41,560 for kindergarten teachers

Professional teachers in North Carolina enjoy the support and rewards of a community that is dedicated to new educators. In addition to an excellent salary, benefits and a summer vacation, being a professional teacher can provide you with an exciting career and self-satisfaction.

Take the first step to becoming a teacher in North Carolina today! Explore our directory of North Carolina universities offering Bachelor’s in education programs, then contact a couple to find the right fit for you.

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