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New Hampshire Bachelor’s in Education Programs

Choosing to teach in New Hampshire offers high potential for job security and the reward of impacting the lives of children all over the state. If you are interested in becoming a teacher in New Hampshire, you’re in the right place. At EducationDegree.com, we maintain a directory of schools across the nation, including New Hampshire universities, that offer Bachelor’s in education programs, perfect for those looking to begin a career in education. Read on to learn more about how to become a teacher in New Hampshire, or get a head-start by exploring the featured schools on this page and discovering what benefits each program has to offer.

Earning your Bachelor’s in Education in New Hampshire

New Hampshire universities offer a number of four-year Bachelor’s in education programs designed to prepare students for careers as teachers. When searching for the right teacher preparation program for your educational needs, it is important to know what area of education you would like to study and eventually teach, as your Bachelor’s program will guide you through to teacher certification. Common “majors” or degree concentrations offered by New Hampshire universities that correspond with licensure by the New Hampshire Department of Education include:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Elementary Education
  • Special Education
  • History and Social Studies Education
  • Art Education

Most Bachelor’s in education programs will require foundation classes in general education subjects such as English, math, and physical, natural and social sciences. You will also take classes specific to your major or degree concentration that focus on the foundations of teaching, instruction techniques and other professional studies. In addition to coursework, most Bachelor’s programs will also feature a fieldwork component, usually student teaching or an internship.

To qualify for initial teaching certification in New Hampshire, you will need to demonstrate basic academic skills by passing the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test, as well as subject area competence by passing the Praxis II Subject Assessment Test for your specific licensure area.

Career Outlook for Teachers in New Hampshire

To improve your personal outlook for employment upon finishing your teacher preparation program, it may be smart to choose an area of education within the state deemed high-need. For the 2013-2014 school year, the New Hampshire Department of Education has designated the following subject areas as critical shortage areas for teachers in New Hampshire:

  • Early Childhood Special Education
  • Special Education: Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities, Physical and Health Disabilities and more
  • Mathematics (5-8)
  • Mathematics (7-12)
  • Sciences (7-12): Earth/Space, Chemistry, Physical Science, Physics
  • World Languages

Average Salary for New Hampshire Teachers

New Hampshire offers teacher salaries competitive with those of surrounding states. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2012 the annual mean wage of several popular teaching positions in New Hampshire included:

  • $53,340 for elementary school teachers
  • $53,160 for secondary school teachers
  • $52,140 for special education, kindergarten and elementary school

If you are interested in becoming a teacher in New Hampshire, take the first step today! Explore the featured schools on this page, then contact several using our simple forms. Reaching out to multiple schools will help you gather more information and better make an informed decision about the future of your education.

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