Home Degrees Master's Master's in Education Degree in Kansas

Master’s in Education Degree in Kansas

Teacher salaries in Kansas vary from district to district. Although teachers in the Sunflower State have historically been paid below national averages, the cost of living in Kansas is also low. Typically, teachers with a master’s degree will earn more than teachers without one. In Wichita, for example, a beginning teacher makes around $2,400 extra for having a master’s. A more experienced teacher in the district can make an extra $4,500 a year because of the degree, according to Wichita Public Schools.

The only area in which Kansas is currently experiencing critical teacher shortages is special education.

Below is a list of Masters of Education programs in Kansas. Use the links to request information from schools that you are interested in, or use the nearby state links below to find additional Masters of Education programs in states near you.

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Master’s degree programs in Kansas

Baker University. Baker offers master’s degree programs in education, special education, and school leadership.

Kansas State University. Kansas State offers a number of master’s degree programs in education, including in adult and continuing education, curriculum and instruction, educational leadership, special education, and school counseling. The Master of Science degree in adult and continuing education is also offered online.

Wichita State University. Wichita State offers education master’s degree programs in counseling, curriculum and instruction, educational leadership, human performance studies, and sport management. Programs exist for individuals who already hold a teaching license and wish to continue their professional development, as well as for individuals who already have a bachelor’s degree and wish to pursue a teaching license.

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