Home How to Become a Teacher in Missouri St. Louis

Teaching Degrees in St. Louis

When it comes to education, the adage that knowledge is power is well established. With that in mind, it is of vital importance that those involved in the educational field are well versed in the standards and newer developments within the field to better guide their students. If this appeals to you, you may want to consider being one of the growing number of people entering into teaching jobs in St. Louis, Missouri.

The main school board within the St. Louis area is the St. Louis Public Schools group, which to date serves over 23,000 students. This also includes a spike in students who are enrolled in programs that teach ESL in St. Louis. If you wish to study in the St. Louis area, you have a bevy of schools to choose from such as Washington University of St. Louis and Saint Louis University.

Take a closer look at the list of teaching schools on our page to get more insight.

How To Become A Teacher In St. Louis

An important thing to take into account if you’re interested in any of the education jobs in St. Louis is that there is a need to align yourself with established professionals in the field. This is something that endows someone with the tools and the guidance needed in order to provide their students with the best education they can receive. In order to do so, you may want to gain membership in organizations such as the American Federation of Teachers – St. Louis and the Missouri State Teachers Association. Doing so puts you in proximity to resources you will rely upon in your career and beforehand.

The path to being eligible for teaching jobs in St. Louis depends on your current educational status. Ordinarily, a four-year teaching degree is the first step. There are also alternative means to getting teaching certification and licensing that are available to you as you look to attain one of the teaching jobs in St. Louis, Missouri. One other way to better equip yourself for the teaching profession is to work towards a Master’s degree in an educational specialty such as English as a Second Language.

Teaching Jobs In St. Louis

The St. Louis area has undergone some remarkable changes to both its student body and as a result, the overall school system. This is due in part to the recent influx of students from various countries over the past few years, heightening a greater need for those who can teach ESL in St. Louis.

The state of Missouri on a whole has seen certain increases that fall in line with national averages when it comes to teachers, including the annual mean wage which clocks in at $50,230 (BLS, 2017). With regards to ESL teachers in St. Louis, they stand to benefit from this new growth according to recent statistics with an increase in their numbers at a little over 15 percent and an average annual salary of $62,370 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017).

A closer look at the education jobs in St. Louis shows the following breakdown of St. Louis teaching salaries according to scholastic specialties:

  • Kindergarten teachers: $51,470 (BLS, 2017)
  • Elementary school teachers: $57,470 (BLS, 2017)
  • Secondary school teachers: $54,950 (BLS, 2017)

Becoming a teacher means that you are joining a profession that bolsters all of the highly positive and productive components that drive the American society on a whole. In order to begin and maintain that effort, it is good to start off with a firm education. Check out the full list of teaching colleges in St. Louis to get more information on how you can begin to be a part of that effort.