Home Degrees Online Teaching Certification Rhode Island

Rhode Island Teaching Certificate Programs

Below you’ll find a comprehensive listing of the Graduate Teaching Certificate programs available from schools in Rhode Island. If you’re looking for initial teacher certification programs, check out either our list of Bachelors in Education Programs or Rhode Island Alternative Certification Programs. Most of the programs down below are for people who are already teachers.

Thinking of switching grade levels or content areas in Rhode Island? A master’s degree may not be necessary. Advanced certificate programs can qualify you to switch from math to science or to teach middle instead of elementary school.

The U.S. Department of Education has identified a number of teacher shortage areas in Rhode Island, and teachers in these subjects may be eligible for deferment or cancellation of some federal student loans – in addition to making themselves more marketable. Current shortage areas in Rhode Island include bilingual education, English, English as a second language, science, history, and math. Rhode Island is also short on special education teachers.

Advanced certificate programs in Rhode Island

Providence College – Providence, RI. The teacher certification program at Providence College leads to secondary teacher certification in biology, chemistry, English, French, history, Italian, mathematics, physics, social studies, or Spanish.

Rhode Island College – Providence, RI. Rhode Island College’s non-degree certification programs take around 35 credit hours to complete, depending on previous academic background. The program is available only in secondary education, in biology, chemistry, English, French, general science, history, math, physics, social studies and Spanish. The school also offers a shorter graduate certificate program in physical education.

University of Rhode Island – Kingston, RI. The University of Rhode Island offers endorsement programs for students wishing to teach English as a second language or for those who want to teach middle school.

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