Home Degrees Online Teaching Certification Nebraska

Nebraska Teaching Certificate Programs

Below you’ll find a comprehensive listing of the Graduate Teaching Certificate programs available from schools in Nebraska. If you’re looking for initial teacher certification programs, check out either our list of Bachelors in Education Programs or Nebraska Alternative Certification Programs. Most of the programs down below are for people who are already teachers.

Teachers who earn add-on certificates in Nebraska have the chance to improve both their school systems and their chances of finding a job. According to the Nebraska Department of Education, only just over 50 percent of classes in Nebraska are taught by teachers who are certified to teach in the given subject. Health and physical education and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are often taught be teacher who lack an endorsement in the subject matter. Further, The U.S. Department of Education reported a number of additional teacher shortage areas in the state, including business education, family and consumer sciences and special education. Earning an add-on or advanced certificate in any of these areas can help you secure a job. For example, in 2010, Nebraska employed almost 1,600 special education teachers in preschool through elementary school, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Featured Schools in Nebraska

If you are currently a Nebraska teacher in health and physical education who does not have a certificate to teach in that area, you can earn that add-on certificate at Concordia University. The university also offers add-on certificates in language arts, math, art, social studies, music, and science. Hastings College offers over 20 add-on certificate areas, including physical education and ESL. The college offers elementary, middle, and secondary certificates. At the University of Nebraska – Kearney, current teachers can earn an add-on certificate in ESL.

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