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Secondary Education Degrees in Texas

Secondary Education Degrees in Texas

Teaching is a field of major importance in Texas, where dozens of school districts serve thousands of students located across the state. Secondary education is a time of great growth for students—these years teach them how to make friends, how to prepare for their future, and how to make good use of their time. Learn more about secondary education programs in Texas if you’re interested in becoming a part of this large education community.

This is a great time to get into the education field and start making your mark. The state of Texas will soon be grading schools with grades ranging from A to F. Skilled, dedicated teachers may be a big part of each school’s success.

If you’re bilingual, you may find even more opportunities in the state of Texas. The Texas Senate recently passed a bill that encourages dual-language programs in Texas schools.

Texas has started recognizing that teacher performance is a significant determinant in student success or failure. In fact, a recent bill overhauled how teachers may be assessed and compensated for their efforts in the classroom.

Overview of Secondary Education Programs in Texas

Getting the right education is a prominent step in becoming a skilled, effective secondary teacher. You may wish to earn a Bachelor’s degree, which takes about four years. If you already have a Bachelor’s degree, consider earning a Master’s degree in education or completing an alternative certification path. These programs range from less than one year of study to two years of full-time study.

Your curriculum is designed to prepare you for the challenges and requirements that come with teaching in a middle or high school classroom. Some of the courses that may be part of your curriculum include Public Education in a Multicultural Society, Adolescent Growth and Psychology, Assessing Literacy, Content Reading, Middle School Curriculum and Instruction, and Middle Level Philosophy & Schooling. Upon completion of these courses, you complete one semester of student teaching in a middle or high school classroom in your community.

Scholarships and grants are available to Texas students that demonstrate financial need or academic growth. The TEACH Grant provides money to students who are willing to serve a low-income area after graduation. The Texas Classroom Teachers Association is a local professional organization that awards several scholarships to student teachers every year. You may also qualify for loan repayment options if you stay in Texas for your career.

Working in Secondary Education in Texas

You can obtain your teaching license through the Texas State Board of Education. The State Board of Education examines your credentials, including curriculum and test scores, before administering your teaching license.

Secondary education is experiencing massive growth in Texas. Through 2022, O*Net predicts a 21% increase in secondary teaching jobs. This amounts to almost 5,000 new jobs per year (O*Net, 2012). The average salary for a Texas teacher is $51,500 per year (O*Net, 2014).

Get started on your future career today. Look at our list of schools below and contact secondary education programs near you.

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