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Secondary Education Degrees in North Dakota

If you look at the priorities for each state, you’ll almost always find education near the top of the list. This is the case in North Dakota. North Dakota schools have a number of challenges to overcome, from serving rural communities that may be far from schools to meeting the needs of the state’s many minority groups. If you’re ready to meet these challenges head-on, learn more about secondary education programs in North Dakota now.

It can be difficult to assess student performance, but North Dakota has found a system that works. North Dakota schools recently resumed Common Core standardized testing to assess schools all over the state.

The economy of North Dakota is extremely strong right now, but the state’s teaching shortage is reaching a severe level. Many school districts have seen a steep increase in their usage of substitutes. Give students stability by entering this field.

As an education professional, you may have the skills needed to reach students who may otherwise struggle. North Dakota has below-average graduation rates for economically disadvantaged students.

Overview of Secondary Education Programs in North Dakota

You may need to meet many learning outcomes before you can take your place in the classroom as an independent teacher. Program outcomes vary between different degree programs, but schools often hope to help students develop critical thinking skills, learn how to work with students from different backgrounds, work alongside teaching colleagues, and effectively manage a classroom. As you work to reach these goals, you may take courses like Critique and Design of Research, Ethics in Education, Foundations in Education, Differentiated Instruction, School Curriculum K-12, Educational Assessment, and School/Family Relations.

Theory is crucial, but you can’t do a lot with it unless you can apply it in a classroom setting. By the time you graduate, you should have hundreds of classroom hours under your belt. After completing shorter practicum courses, you end your education with a full semester of student teaching.

Through your school and a variety of other sources, you may be able to cover some of your educational costs with scholarships and grants. The Bank of North Dakota awards scholarships like the North Dakota Student Incentive Grant and the NDEA Scholarship.

Working in Secondary Education in North Dakota

After finishing your degree, you’re probably excited to get into your own classroom and start your teaching career. However, you must first get your teaching license through the North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board. They award you your license after you pass the PRAXIS-II.

Throughout the course of your career, you may be able to earn a variety of salaries. Per O*Net, the average salary for a secondary teacher is $45,600 per year.

The job outlook in North Dakota is positive. Job openings for North Dakota teachers are expected to increase almost twice as fast as the national average (O*Net, 2012).

Find out what a career in teaching could do for your future! Reach out to secondary education programs in North Dakota now.

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