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Secondary Education Degrees in Nebraska

Education is a Midwestern value, through and through. Whether you’re a Nebraska native or a transplant to the area, you’ve likely seen how much this state values hard work and studying. By becoming a middle or high school teacher in Nebraska, you can contribute to the state’s history of educational excellence. Contact the schools offering secondary ed programs in Nebraska listed on our site to get started.

Looking at Nebraska’s graduation rates makes it abundantly clear how important education is. The state’s graduation rate has typically always been higher than the national average, but in 2014, it hit almost 90%.

Education funding is one of the main priorities for Nebraska’s legislators, solidifying the work environment for high school teachers. Legislators on both sides of the political aisle tend to vote for increasing the education budget in this state.

As a high school teacher, part of your job may involve preparing high school students for college. Nebraska’s higher education field is strong, with colleges around the state reaching out to high school students.

Overview of Secondary Education Programs in Nebraska

As a new teaching student, you may have to meet general education requirements. These courses broaden your educational base and prepare you to work with middle and high school students. With your general education courses under your belt, you can start taking core courses like Educational Research, Curriculum Development in Secondary Education, Philosophy of Education, and Technology Tools for Teachers.

After taking your core classes, you may move on to more in-depth classes like Theories Into Educational Practice, Reading in the Content Areas, Research-Based Instructional Strategies, Integration of Curriculum and Technology, and Design & Development of Instruction. These courses all lead up to your student teaching experience. For one entire semester, you learn from a skilled teacher and take on your own teaching responsibilities in the classroom. While completing your student teaching experience, you may start building professional connections in the field.

Nebraska has many resources for aspiring and working teachers. The Nebraska Department of Education has forgivable loan options for those who are willing to work in rural areas. They also help students apply for federal loan forgiveness.

Working in Secondary Education in Nebraska

The Nebraska State Board of Education administers a series of tests to those who hope to become middle or high school teachers. You must submit your transcript, take the PRAXIS-II, and fill out a license application before you can become a licensed teacher.

The job outlook for Nebraska educators is very positive, even when compared to the national average. Between 2012 and 2022, O*Net predicts a 10% increase in secondary teaching jobs. Salaries in this field vary quite a bit from county to county. O*Net claims that the average salary for a Nebraska teacher is $49,800 per year.

Ready to find out how you can become a teacher and change lives all over Nebraska? Reach out to secondary education programs in Nebraska for more information.

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