Home How to Become a Physical Education Teacher Physical Education Degrees in Oklahoma

Physical Education Degrees in Oklahoma

Teaching is more of a calling than it is a career choice. When you decide to become an Oklahoma teacher, you agree to stay up-to-date on teaching research, learn about the specific learning needs of your students, and work with other teachers in your school for the best interests of your students.

If you are passionate about physical health, sports, and fitness, why not use that passion to become a physical education teacher and change the lives of students in your community?

Role of Educators with a Physical Education Degree in Oklahoma

The success of teachers everywhere depends on the strength of the teaching community. If you decide to earn a degree in physical education, you can benefit from the help and support of experienced veteran teachers.

Check out training programs and request information from Oklahoma schools below.

When you become a physical education teacher, you work exclusively in public and private schools in Oklahoma. However, the work you do goes far beyond the walls of your school. In fact, the habits that children develop now can stick with them for the rest of their lives.

The Oklahoma Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance focuses on improving community and state health through strong physical education programs that give each student the opportunity to succeed.

Becoming a teacher allows you to create a legacy that impacts your community for decades to come.

Take the first step now and request information on PE teaching degrees from Oklahoma schools below.

Getting Your Physical Education Degree in Oklahoma

The demand for teachers is growing all over the country, which is why most states have multiple paths to teacher licensure. This includes Oklahoma.

Students who have already earned a Bachelor’s degree may qualify for acceptance to a Master’s in education program or an alternative certification program. However, Bachelor’s programs are still the most popular and widely available option in this state.

A Bachelor’s degree in physical education includes at least 120 credits, with some Oklahoma programs requiring up to 130 credits. On a full-time basis, that works out to eight semesters of schooling.

Over the four years you spend in school, you work toward specific learning outcomes and goals decided by your institution. You should learn how to enhance students’ cognitive learning domains, physical health, appreciation of physical activity, and psychomotor development.

To meet these standards, you must take courses that focus exclusively on physical education and those that focus on educational theory as a whole. After learning about basic teaching concepts and how they are used in Oklahoma schools, you can take courses that prepare you specifically for physical education teaching challenges.

Physical Education Teaching Coursework

  • Healthy Life Skills
  • Physical Treatment of Athletics Injuries
  • Adapted Physical Education
  • Motor Development
  • Instructional Techniques for Movement
  • Physical Education in the Elementary School
  • Mechanical Principles and Analysis of Movement
  • Physiology of Exercise
  • Fitness Applications for Physical Education
  • Techniques of Teaching Skills and Activities
  • Rhythmic Movements for PK-12
  • Educational Assessment
  • Methods of Teaching Physical Education

Get ready to prove your teaching skills and knowledge at several points in your training. In your first semester in an education program, you may spend a few hours per week at a local school. This immediately gives you hands-on experience, allows you to decide if another field would be better for you, and gives you a point of reference for the theories you’ll learn in further coursework.

As you slowly become a more confident teaching student, you may get the chance to practice what you’ve learned in a variety of practicum courses. Your final test comes in your last semester of school when you spend a semester student teaching. You work exactly as a full-time teacher does, arriving before students get to school and leaving after all of your work is done.

Working with a Physical Education Degree in Oklahoma

After you learn how to become a PE teacher in OK and complete your educational requirements, your next stop is the Oklahoma State Department Of Education. They license all teachers in the state of Oklahoma.

To get your physical education license, you must pass the Oklahoma General Education Test, the Oklahoma Physical Education Test, and the Oklahoma Professional Teaching Examination.

The job outlook is strong in Oklahoma, particularly if you’re willing to work in rural areas that are often hit by teacher shortages. O*Net predicts a 5% increase in elementary school teaching jobs and secondary school teaching jobs by the year 2024 (2016).

Salaries reported in Oklahoma are similar to what teachers earn in other Midwestern states. The average salary for an elementary school teacher is $41,900 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). Secondary school teachers earn an average of $42,960 per year (BLS, 2016).

If you’re committed to spending your career helping people, doing meaningful work, and strengthening the educational system of Oklahoma, you may find everything you need in a physical education degree.

 Find the right teacher training program for you by getting in contact with Oklahoma schools today.

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