Home How to Become a Physical Education Teacher Physical Education Degrees in Ohio

Physical Education Degrees in Ohio

If you enjoy working with children and you are willing to learn about educational psychology, teaching methods, and the latest research in education, you may thrive in a teaching career. Teachers who are specifically trained in one academic subject can provide students in various grade levels with a thorough, extensive education in age-appropriate topics.

When you study physical education and become a licensed K-12 teacher in Ohio, you can work toward a healthier future for Ohio.

Role of Educators with a Physical Education Degree in Ohio

Are you interested in spending your career helping kids create healthy habits? Physical education could be the field for you. Check out local training options below to learn how to become a PE teacher.

PE teachers uphold the high standards of Ohio education in their daily work. Ohio’s standards focus on the development of motor skills and movement patterns, health-enhancing fitness habits, responsible social behavior, and the inherent value of physical activity. As a gym teacher, you may benefit from resources offered by groups like the Ohio Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. This group hopes to make Ohio a healthier and more productive state by helping kids develop a lifelong love of fitness. While earning your degree and working as a gym teacher, you can benefit from this group’s advocacy efforts, professional development programs, and service programs.

Which physical education degree is right for you? There are many Ohio colleges and universities with physical education programs. Compare programs below and request more information.

Getting Your Physical Education Degree in Ohio

A physical education degree offers dozens of skills and usable teaching theories. It is far more than sports and coaching. In fact, physical education teachers have many of the same long-term goals as academic subject teachers, which is why a foundation of general education is essential.

A Bachelor’s degree in physical education can help you meet the goals of Ohio school districts and enhance your own professional development.

To earn a Bachelor’s degree, you must earn at least 120 credits over a period of four years. Before you start teaching courses, you may need to demonstrate your academic potential by completing some general education courses.

After you meet your school’s credit requirements, pass a teacher program entrance exam, and pass a background check, you may start your education courses.

Ohio Physical Education Teaching Courses

  • Fundamental Movement, Gymnastics, and Dance
  • Development and Analysis of Net Games
  • Education in a Democratic Society
  • Outdoor Pursuits and Adventure Education
  • Teaching in Physical Education
  • Lifespan Motor Development
  • Fitness Education
  • Elementary School Physical Education Methods and Content
  • Secondary School Physical Education Methods and Content
  • History of Sport and Physical Activity
  • Adapted Physical Education


You may find that many physical education teacher degrees require classroom experience in the very first semester of the program. This gives you a chance to figure out if physical education is the right specialty for you and if you are prepared for the demands of a teaching career.

Throughout your education, you may apply new ideas and theories in other classroom rotations. By working with students in grades kindergarten through high school, you can discover how to adapt to different teaching situations and students’ needs.

 In your final semester of school, you may pull everything together in a student teaching internship. This typically includes about 12 credits, but it requires close to 40 hours of work per week. Though you may start out observing gym teachers, you quickly take over teaching duties and utilize feedback from your supervising teachers.

After you complete your degree, it’s time to get your teaching license. All paperwork is submitted to the Ohio Department of Education. New graduates apply for a Resident Educator License. You must pass the Praxis II physical education test.


Working with a Physical Education Degree in Ohio

The field of education is stable in Ohio, with steady growth expected through 2024 or beyond. Between 2014 and 2024, O*Net expects demand for elementary school teachers to increase 4% in Ohio (2016). This decade may also see a 4% boost in job openings for secondary school teachers (O*Net, 2016).

Salaries in Ohio are in line with national averages. There are salary fluctuations between school districts to consider as well. The average salary for an elementary school teacher is $58,540 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). Secondary school teachers report an average annual income of $59,660 (BLS, 2016).

Becoming a teacher gives you the opportunity to make a lifelong, meaningful difference in students’ lives. Gym teachers help children use their energy productively and concentrate more fully on academic subjects. Physical education teachers truly strengthen the field of teaching in general.

PE teacher degrees pave the way for licensure and give you the skills needed in Ohio schools. Take your career to the next level by contacting physical education teacher programs below.

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