Home How to Become a Physical Education Teacher Physical Education Degrees in North Carolina

Physical Education Degrees in North Carolina

Physical health, mental health, and emotional wellbeing are all connected. That’s just one of the reasons that physical education is required in schools across the country. In North Carolina, students at each level of schooling have specific physical education requirements they must meet.

Gym teachers help students build lifelong healthy habits, learn to love sports, and get into a sports routine. Physical education teachers are licensed to teach all ages from preschool to high school. 

Role of Educators with a Physical Education Degree in North Carolina

When you decide to learn how to become a PE teacher in NC, you become part of a large teaching community that offers support, advocacy, and training.

 Get more information on local training options by contacting teacher education programs below. 

In North Carolina, PE teachers unite through the North Carolina Alliance for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, and Sport Management. Members in this organization work to further the role of physical education in North Carolina and ensure that students have access to evidence-based, high-quality gym classes. The long-term goal of this group is to make children healthier through physical education policies, resident education, and public involvement.

 As a teaching student and working teacher, you can take advantage of resources offered by this and other groups.

Are you ready to take the plunge? Keep reading to learn more about PE teaching degrees and check out the list of North Carolina schools below.

Request information from teaching programs that fit your career goals.

Getting Your Physical Education Degree in North Carolina

Before you can sling a whistle around your neck and lead students in rousing games of dodgeball, you need to get the right education. North Carolina licensure requirements indicate that you need a Bachelor’s degree in education or a Master’s degree in education to pursue a license. If you already have a Bachelor’s degree, a Master’s-level program may be an option for you. However, for most students, a Bachelor’s degree in physical education is the most straightforward path to licensure.

Before you start your teaching courses, you need a strong base of general knowledge. Many North Carolina schools require you to complete a specific amount of general education credits before applying to the education program.

 From there, you get your first taste of teaching in an early field experience course that puts you into local schools. Once you’ve demonstrated your potential for teaching, you can move on to the rest of your courses.

Courses Offered in Physical Education Programs

  • Organization and Administration of Physical Education
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Health and Fitness Behavior Changes
  • Program Planning, Evaluation, and Administration
  • Wellness and Fitness
  • Rhythm and Dance
  • Adapted Physical Education
  • Physical Education and Sports in Contemporary Society
  • Physical Education Activities in Grades K-3
  • Physical Education Activities in Grades 4-6
  • Physical Education Activities in Grades 7-12

 Experience working with students is an essential component of a teaching degree, so you can plan on getting assigned to local elementary, middle, and high schools throughout your degree. Since adapted physical education is required at most schools, you may get to work with special education students in inclusive classrooms or standalone schools.

 The most extensive field experience requirement in North Carolina is student teaching. Some schools call it student teaching in their curricula, while others refer to it as an internship. Regardless, you must spend an entire semester in a local school.

 Student teachers are expected to maintain the same hours as licensed teachers, so you get a whirlwind introduction to the world of professional teaching. This experience can help you get professional references, learn how to manage your time as a teacher, and apply problem solving methods in real gym classes.

Working with a Physical Education Degree in North Carolina

After earning a physical education degree, you can pursue your license in North Carolina. Through the Public Schools of North Carolina State Board of Education, you can apply for a Standard Professional 1 Educator’s License. You must pass the Praxis II physical education exam and clear a background check before you become licensed.

The need for teachers is growing all over the country, and many schools have a particularly severe shortage of teachers in specialized fields. Between 2014 and 2024, demand for elementary school teachers may increase 9% in North Carolina (O*Net, 2016). Job openings for secondary school teachers are expected to grow at the same rate (O*Net, 2016).

Salaries in North Carolina are in line with other coastal states, with elementary school teachers currently earning an average of $43,200 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). The average salary for a secondary school teacher is $44,520 per year (BLS, 2016).

 If you’re ready to make North Carolina students healthy, fit, and well-educated, this is the time to learn how to become a physical education teacher. Request information from the schools below to get started.

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