Home How to Become a Physical Education Teacher Physical Education Degrees in Louisiana

Physical Education Degrees in Louisiana

In the past, the field of education has dealt strictly with the academic needs of students, leaving physical health, social health, and mental health to parents and healthcare providers.

This has changed as educational research has become more widely available. It indicates that teachers and administrators must look at children’s full range of needs to help them thrive as students and as adults.

As an aspiring physical education teacher, you have the opportunity to help students achieve improved physical health, a greater sense of self-confidence, and strengthened social skills.

Role of Educators with a Physical Education Degree in Louisiana

If you’re deciding whether or not a physical education degree is the right choice for you, check out the list of teaching programs in Louisiana below.

Reach out to them to get more information on how to become a gym teacher and what qualifications you need.


Teaching is always evolving as a field. Getting connected with other gym teachers and physical education professionals can help you improve your skills and think of creative solutions to problems. As a student, taking advantage of these opportunities can shorten your learning curve and help you start your career with a diverse set of abilities.

The Louisiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance is a very popular organization with branches all over the United States. You can get information that relates specifically to your area of teaching by joining selected committees and groups. There are committees for adapted physical education, elementary physical education, and secondary physical education.

With education standards changing all over the country, this is an ideal time to begin your teaching career. Reach out to advisors at Louisiana teacher education programs to learn more.

Getting Your Physical Education Degree in Louisiana

The type of education you have determines the best path for you as you learn how to become a PE teacher in LA. If you are a new student without any postsecondary degrees, a Bachelor’s degree is the first step. This four-year degree prepares you for teacher licensure in the field of physical education while building your base of general knowledge and critical thinking skills.

If you already have a Bachelor’s degree, there are two options that you may consider. The first is an alternative certification program, which involves taking undergraduate teaching courses and gaining experience before applying for a teaching license. The other is a Master’s degree program, which requires about two years of study and involves high-level teaching courses.

Most students opt to begin with a Bachelor’s degree in physical education. While earning your required credits for graduation, you follow a set curriculum of courses that may include classes like:

  • Diversity in Education
  • Anatomical Kinesiology
  • Elementary Physical Education Methods
  • Educational Psychology
  • Motor Learning
  • History of Sports and Physical Education
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Measurement and Evaluation
  • Health Instruction
  • Sports and Exercise Psychology
  • School Health Programs
  • Strength and Conditioning Programs
  • Secondary Physical Education Methods

As you learn different theories and teaching techniques, you should get the chance to practice them in schools throughout your community. Teaching experience serves a number of purposes. First, it allows you to put your knowledge and theories into play and find out how they pan out in real gym classes. Second, it gives you the chance to work with hundreds of students by the time you graduate, helping you learn to quickly adapt to different students’ needs and challenges. Finally, it enables you to learn from licensed teachers and start building a professional network.

The final test of your teaching degree is student teaching, a full-semester class that provides you with over 40 hours per week of experience. You may work with one or multiple licensed teachers during this time, depending on where you live and the needs of your district. Staying in the same school for a full semester gives you the opportunity to build relationships with students, carry out curricular plans from start to finish, and build camaraderie with teachers in your field.

Hands-on teaching experience is really the key to seeing what physical education is all about. As you watch students become healthier, develop good fitness habits, and improve their social awareness, it will be obvious how physical education can help students physically, socially, and academically.

To serve as a teacher after you get your degree, reach out to the Louisiana Department of Education. After they check your teaching qualifications, they allow you to take the Physical Education Content and Knowledge Exam, which is the final step to licensure.

Working with a Physical Education Degree in Louisiana

When you start your teaching career, you will likely begin at the start of a new school year. This empowers you to start off on the right foot with students, create your lesson plans, and not worry about trying to fill another teacher’s shoes.

As a new teacher, you may spend quite a bit of your summer and weekend time creating lesson plans, assessing student performance, and reflecting on your teaching practice. During this time, it’s crucial to remember the Louisiana teaching standards. These standards include developing competency and proficiency in movement forms, learning and developing motor skills, building a physically active lifestyle, and respecting differences of peers in physical activity settings.

The work you put into learning how to become a physical education teacher may be beneficial during your job search. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that Louisiana elementary school teachers earn an average of $48,430 per year (2016). Their data shows that secondary school teachers earn an average of $49,800 per year (BLS, 2016).

You may also enjoy a strong job outlook as a new teacher. By the year 2022, job openings for elementary school teachers in Louisiana may increase 14% (O*Net, 2016). You may see a 7% boost in secondary teacher job openings by 2022 (O*Net, 2016).

Louisiana kids deserve the chance to get healthy and improve their quality of life.

Find out how you can contribute to this goal by requesting information from Louisiana teaching programs today.

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