Home How to Become a Physical Education Teacher Physical Education Degrees in Hawaii

Physical Education Degrees in Hawaii

The unique educational needs of Hawaii make it an excellent place to become a teacher or advance your current teaching career. The experience of children in major tourist cities varies quite a bit from the experience of children living on Hawaii’s more remote islands.

Regardless of where you hope to work in Hawaii, a physical education degree helps you become part of the solution in this state. The work you put in helps ensure that students everywhere get equal access to evidence-based education.

Role of Educators with a Physical Education Degree in Hawaii

Ready to combine your passion for fitness with your aptitude for teaching? Learn more about local training opportunities by contacting PE teacher programs—Hawaii schools are listed below.


Physical education teachers don’t just put in their eight hours and call it a day. Rather, they contribute to an overall healthier standard of living in Hawaii. That’s why this state has the Hawaii Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. This group specifically advocates for teachers in physical education and related fields. New teachers can get access to mentorship opportunities, go to workshops, and discover the latest techniques in gym education. You may meet teachers from your district and neighboring districts, giving you the chance to learn more about what works, what standards are across the state, and how local students learn.

The journey to a rewarding career as a teacher must begin with high-quality training. Learn more about how to become a PE teacher now by contacting Hawaii colleges and universities.

Getting Your Physical Education Degree in Hawaii

The field of teaching is highly regulated in the United States, but it is regulated on a state-by-state basis. If you want to teach in Hawaii, you have to meet the specific standards of this state, which are outlined in the Hawaii Content and Performance Standards for Physical Education.

Programs should include at least 45 minutes per week through third grade, 55 minutes per week through sixth grade, and 200 minutes per week through 12th grade. Teachers must be certified in physical education and teachers should encourage physical activity by communicating with family members and parents. Supervised recess, an extension of physical education, must be offered for at least 20 minutes per day.

You can gain the skills you need to reach these goals with a state-approved teacher education program. This involves majoring in physical education and getting licensed in K-12 physical education. Most schools offer this as a Bachelor’s degree in secondary education with an emphasis on physical education. If you already have an undergraduate degree, earning a Master’s degree is an option to consider.

However, some PE teacher programs also allow you to to earn a post-baccalaureate certificate. This builds on your Bachelor’s degree and allows you to become licensed in roughly one year.

Courses should cover a wide range of sports at all grade levels and ability levels. Some of the classes you may take as a physical education teacher include:

  • Elementary Physical Education Teaching Techniques
  • Secondary Physical Education Teaching Techniques
  • Motor Development and Learning
  • Exercise and Sport Physiology
  • Sport Biomechanics
  • Foundations in Educational Theory
  • Adolescence and Education
  • Teaching Methods in Health
  • Statistics in Kinesiology

As you build your knowledge of teaching and your ability to educate students, you must put your new knowledge to work in local schools. Through semester-long field experiences and a semester of full-time student teaching, you should develop your confidence and know that you can effectively teach a full class of students.

Through a full semester of student teaching, you can see how students become more secure, build their skills, and learn to look forward to physical education, proving that this is a core part of each student’s school experience.

The licensing process takes place after you earn your Bachelor’s degree. The Hawaii Teacher Standards Board requires aspiring teachers to pass the Praxis II Physical Education Content Knowledge exam. They run a background check on all teaching applicants before administering licenses.

Working with a Physical Education Degree in Hawaii

Once you have earned your physical education degree and become a licensed teacher, you are ready to jump into the workforce. You may look into work opportunities before you have your license, since many schools hire graduates with the condition that they become licensed before teaching. Overall, the job outlook is stable for Hawaii teachers.

Those who work in elementary school settings may see an 11% increase in jobs through 2022 (O*Net, 2016). Secondary school teachers may see job openings swell 4% during this time (O*Net, 2016).

Salaries in Hawaii are in line with national averages. The average income for an elementary school teacher is $56,500 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). Teachers in secondary schools earn an average income of $56,800 per year (BLS, 2016).

If you want to see the next generation live healthy, productive lives, you may make it happen with a career in physical education. Take the first step now and contact physical education programs in Hawaii.

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